By Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla
Contact: +918141234275
Aries:Ganesha says if you don’t have a good relationship with yourself, you cannot understand the dharma, and your body and mind will not be properly coordinated,’ says Chogyam Trungpa, the Buddhist meditation master. The start of last period was phenomenal. I am afraid you won’t have a similar start to this period. You will still be the top draw in the food chain! You are spending like there is no tomorrow.
Taurus:‘Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow,’ said Ralph Waldo Emerson. You roll up your sleeves and get to work. There is a lot to be done and you are ambitious to make a mark in the world. There is a lot happening in your war room. It is strewn with marriages, divorces, separations, out-of-court settlements, windfall gains, inheritances, lotteries, new vistas, breakthrough deals and so on.
Gemini:You are moving fast and furious like an antelope in the savannah pursued by a pack of wild dogs. You know that you have to get away, you have to stay alive, you have to see another day to make your dreams happen, and you put your all into it. Of course, you succeed. You have put in a soul effort and that sees no failure. Ego drives, and passion rule this period. You play the field and make loving a hobby. Ganesha watches with some concern.
Cancer:There are money and honey, awards and rewards, accolades and applause. The period started slowly but you have picked up momentum like the Rajdhani Express on its famed run. You more than make up for a bad start, quite like Usain Bolt. Business flourishes and you make substantial gains. Domestic life is many – splendored. It is as colorful as a valley of flowers. Ganesha asks you to avoid avarice and unethical means. I believe in karma and dharma.
Leo:You continue to be powered. The tendencies of last period spill over, as it often does. There are secret deals and negotiations. You may be signing on the dotted line. But ensure that you don’t trip or get booby-trapped. Get assistance. Try to stop being too full of yourself. Ego and passion rule, much to your discomfiture. Your peer group could also find your company trying. You will always be too much of something for someone. You are in esteemed company for sure.
Virgo:The shadow side of your life takes over and bleeds you. All of us have many shades and you could well wear the maudlin hat this period. You go down memory lane and get morbid and morose. Of course, you have lived life to the hilt and made several errors. The fury of living has taken its toll. ‘If you want to make the right decision for the future, fear is not a very good consultant,’ says Markus Dohe, chairman and CEO, Random House. It may be a good time to take a back seat and let the moment pass as it will.
Libra:There is more stability now and you get out of the rut. Work calls, and the sweet fragrance of money is the ultimate seductress. It jerks you out of your stupor and you get down to the business of living, with its challenges and rewards. ‘Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind,’ said Jackie Joyner-Kersee, the legendary athlete. You want to realize your full potential and get down to the hard slog. There is no other way, as genius is simply perspiration and nothing else.
Scorpio:You are terra firma. You don’t have to hold on to the railings for balance. Your emotions and drives are well under control. You are sedate and self-assured and that is quite a change from your normal flamboyant, loud and colorful self. You make your plans happen with quiet efficiency, with the minimum noise. In the process, there is significant progress. Family life is also stable. If married, there are no roadblocks. Life is beautiful for the singles too.
Sagittarius:There is lot of movement in your life. You are racing away, almost without brakes. There is international travel and reaching out to people, places and events. The universe gives you several experiences to mull over. You examine your life and the structures you have built and decide on some chopping and churning. You want to be more fine-tuned, fast and sleek. This is not a great time for detailed study.
Capricorn:The softer side of you takes over. It is underbelly time. We all have our blind sports. Some of us are aware of them. But most of us aren’t. Like Jung said, ‘Show me a sane man and I will cure him.’ You take off into the woods and saunter along the green glades. You want to spend time with nature. Animals, plants, music, poetry and dance grab your time. You may take the family for a holiday. There may be an addition to the family, even an adoption.
Aquarius:‘You came to earth to learn to know yourself,’ said the Mother of Pondicherry. In this phase you reach out to all and sundry. You are net worthy with purpose and determination. Your ideas reach the four corners of the globe in no time, thanks to the modern marvels in gadgetry. You learn to live in gratitude and thank existence for all its favors.
Pisces:You are zooming ahead of the opposition. You are an asset to the organization with your hard work, ethics, amiability and reliability. There are ego drives and you brook no opposition. Your appreciation of beauty, your interest in art, music or poetry are heightened now. You are also filled with love and want to share it with that special person. There are expenses and purchases and many investments. Mutual funds, shares, stocks, capital-raising and all other money matters come to the fore. You live large.
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