Destiny of Victory for Raja to the U.S. Congress evinced

Raja Krishnamoorthi seen here with the hosts [L to R seated] Dr. Vijay Prabhakar, Iftekhar Shareef, Sanhita Agnihotri, Ajai Agnihotri, Keerthi Ravoori [Standing L to R] Shirley Kalvakota, Poonam Gupta, Nazneen Hashmi, Daljit Singh, Babu Patel & Dr. Hyder Mohammed.
Raja Krishnamoorthi seen here with the hosts [L to R seated] Dr. Vijay Prabhakar, Iftekhar Shareef, Sanhita Agnihotri, Ajai Agnihotri, Keerthi Ravoori [Standing L to R] Shirley Kalvakota, Poonam Gupta, Nazneen Hashmi, Daljit Singh, Babu Patel & Dr. Hyder Mohammed.

CHICAGO, IL (TIP): The Indian Americans evince brimming optimism as they await for the defining moment in the political history to see their own Raja Krishnamoorthi emerge victorious as the United States Congressman representing not just the 8th congressional district but the entire Indian American diaspora as the winds of change gather momentum just days away from the elections  – This was articulated by a legion of Chicago leaders at the Community Reception hosted at Maharaja India Restaurant in Rosemont, IL on October 24, 2016.

With the current trajectory of the congressional race looking increasingly reassuring, this defining moment seems to bear promise to see their beloved Indian American son Raja Krishnamoorthi to be ushered into the hallowed halls of the United States Congress. Raja Krishnamoorthi remains the most widely acknowledged candidate to have received a wide spread mainstream newspapers ringing endorsements hailing him as the “best candidate hands down” and extoling him for his “enthusiastic grasp on issues” advancing “working families agenda”; with President Obama joining to give a testimonial push on TV — augurs well for him to cross the finish line on in the national elections on November 8th, 2016

Setting the event in motion, Sanhita Agnihotri invited Raja Krishnamoorthi along with the principal hosts Hanumanth Reddy, Iftekhar Shareef, Keerthi Kumar Ravoori, Ajai Agnihotri, Dr. Vijay Prabhakar and Ajeet Singh to join the lamp lighting ceremony and added saying that the lighting of the lamp symbolizes invocation of an auspicious outcome in the elections.

Raja Krishnamoorthi thanked the host of community, organizational, business and grass- root level leaders gathered at the event and assured them of his undying devotion to represent them and added saying “when I go to the Congress, you go with me” amidst sustained applause.

Keerthi Kumar Ravoori Co-Host, in his welcome remarks, said that this is truly a historic opportunity for the Indian Americans to help usher Raja into the most revered portals of the United States Congress for him to represent our hopes, values, aspirations that are central to the Indian Americans and his congressional constituents. Keerthi Ravoori reiterated that Raja Krishnamoorthi when elected he will hit the ground running to embark enthusiastically on driving his legislative agenda that seeks to uplift the lives of the working families.

Iftekhar Shareef, co-host, introducing Raja, emphatically laid out the vision of Raja and said Raja represents the hopes of not just the diverse electorate of his congressional district but the entire Indian diaspora and added Raja will remain a tremendous force in the U.S. Congress in taking the lead in formulating policies and legislations that elevate every American. Iftekhar Shareef said under the congressional leadership of Raja a new vibrant chapter in the Indo US relations is envisaged.

Ajai Agnihotri in his brief statement said Raja is a phenomenon that is likely to dominate the Capitol Hill with his refreshing voice of strength and conviction; while Dr. Vijay Prabhakar challenged the Indian Americans to seize this rare opportunity to rise in collective strength of unity to help elect Raja and added that Raja will be a shining inspiration for many generations to come.

Proposing a vote of thanks, Sanhita Agnihotri was joined by Poonam Gupta-Krishnan, Nazneen Hashmi, Shirley Kalvakota, and Mrs. Inder Gauri who presented a flower bouquet to Raja. Some of the well-known attendees at the reception include Dr. Sriram Sonty, Babu [Marsha] Patel, Inder Gauri, Jitendra Digvanker, Harish Kolasani, John Trivedi, Dr. Hyder Mohhamned, Cecil Joseph, Satish Dadepogu, Baba Daljit Singh, Mitul Patel, Azhar Siddique & Emmanuel Neela.

(Photograph and Press release by Asian Media USA)

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