INOC, USA applauds Bihar victory of the grand alliance

November 8, 2015: ‘The People of Bihar have spoken loudly and clearly that they thoroughly reject the politics of growing intolerance and polarization by BJP,  that has been promoted ever since their ascendance to power. It is a vote for democracy, pluralism and development,  and hearty congratulations are in order for this historic win for the forces that advocate freedom and justice for all its citizens’ said George Abraham, Chairman of the Indian National Overseas Congress, USA.

‘BJP has conveniently overlooked the fact that they gained power at center with only 31% of the vote share and that too was based on their campaign promise of development. However, the last 16 months of their governance has proved that their real objective is to transform the nation away from India’s constitutional principles to follow a Hindutva agenda of regressive policies and illiberal diktats’, the statement added.

‘Bihar has shown that how democratic and secular forces can work together to defeat these forces of yesteryear and build a country based on the rule of law and equal opportunities for all its citizens. It appears that the Congress party being part of the grand alliance is poised to shoulder its responsibility to take the same message across the nation to defeat these forces of bigotry and obscurantism’ the statement concluded.

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