In the last two days, the rivalry between Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi has become more intense and exciting. In Rahul Gandhi’s speech on Thursday, March 3, which received widespread praise, the leader used satire and sarcasm to punch holes in the prime minister’s image and performance.
Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi spared no attempt to attack Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Cabinet for their high-handedness in office and the saffronisation of education. The Gandhi scion rained barbs on Modi sarkar’s policies, calling the black money scheme ‘fair and lovely yojana’ and the ambitious Make In India project no more than a “babbar sher”.
Modi let ego get in the way of a debate with Rahul Gandhi, PM in him must advise the politician in him not to take everything to heart.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi began his reply to the Vote of Thanks to the President by invoking the words of Rajiv Gandhi to hand out a sermon to the Congress party now led by Sonia & Rahul.
Modi sought to portray the present Congress leadership as violating the spirit and advice of its own political ancestry.
The point Modi was trying to make was simple: Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv talked about the necessity of maintaining parliamentary decorum but their words were being ignored by the present leadership and that they were not being truthful to their inheritance.
These are the points PM Modi made:
On Parliament Disruption – MPs have expressed their views in House. We should take advice from seniors in the House. The House is a forum where views are expressed, where questions are raised at the government, where the government has to defend itself. Nobody is spared but if the sanctity of the institution is kept intact, then we can express our opinions more effectively. Parliament is a forum for debates. PM cited Rajiv Gandhi on decorum and said we must maintain decorum in parliament. When the House is stalled, the country suffers. Need to find solutions to issues in House.
On Passage of Bills – PM lists bills stalled after ruckus in parliament, says inferiority complex of some MPs stalling House. Request MPs across parties to help pass bills.
On Congress – Tackling problems left by earlier government, can’t ignore 60 years of mis-governance. After so many years of independence, 18000 villages are still in the dark. You have sown the seeds of poverty. The 2012 CAG report explains everything in detail how money was looted and it has made some startling revelations. CAG report says in states where poor are less, MNREGA is more effective whereas in states where poor are more, MNREGA hasn’t been that effective. In contrast, PMGSY has benefited those states the most which are below the poverty line.
On Rahul Gandhi – There are some people who do not become wise with age.
On Opposition – Opposition is concerned how the govt is doing better than it, says Modi as he cites comparison in some sectors like Railways and MNREGA. I appeal to entire opposition in passage of important bills in both Houses of Parliament, says PM, quoting Rajiv Gandhi. There is need for improvement in this government too, for that I need your help too, let us work together.
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