By Chirag Daruwalla – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla
Ganesha says the people of Aries will have a lot of need to manage their money and time in the month of January. Along with this, you have to control your speech and behavior as well. At the beginning of the month, there will be a need for more hard work in the workplace. During this time, you will get fewer results in proportion to your hard work. There will be a slight improvement in the situation in the second week of the month. With the help of friends and relatives, some stalled work will be completed during this period. Livelihood business will increase. Time will be normal in terms of health, but in the middle of the month, you will need to pay attention to both your health and your relationship. During this, avoid getting misled by anyone and take decisions with your wisdom and discretion. At the same time, pay special attention to food and your daily routine. Avoid investing money in any such place where there is a possibility of even the slightest risk. During this, there can be a dispute with your relatives. A trustworthy person can betray you in time. During this time money-related problems will also remain. This month you need to be very careful in your love affairs. There can be a rift with your love partner regarding something. In such a situation, avoid arguing with him excessively. Avoid ignoring the feelings of your spouse for a happy married life. Take care of your father’s health.
Ganesha says this month is going to bring more auspiciousness and success for the people of Taurus. At the beginning of the month, you will get praise from the boss in your workplace and respect will increase in society. During this, you will get desired progress and profit in your career and business. In such a situation, try to complete your important tasks in the month itself. For those who are unmarried, there may be some obstacles in their marriage in the middle of the month. You will have to face all kinds of problems even in love relations. During this, use your mind along with your heart while taking any decision. Only after working hard in the month there will be chances of success in a particular work. During this, pay full attention to your luggage and health during the journey. Do not disclose before the implementation of your plans in the workplace, otherwise, opponents may put obstacles in it. People working abroad will get unexpected success and profit in the middle of the month. There will be full support from parents amidst the ups and downs of life.
Ganesha says the month of January has brought auspiciousness and good fortune to the people of Gemini. This month you will be able to attract you through your speech and behavior. At the beginning of the month, the journey done in relation to your career or business will give you great success and profit. However, during the journey, you should take special care of things related to food and drink. Jobs will become an additional source of income for the people. The economic condition will be stronger. In the middle of the month, good news related to a dear person can be heard. During this, there will be chances to complete religious work at home. There will be full cooperation and support from siblings while taking any major decision. The wish to buy and sell land buildings, vehicles, etc. will be fulfilled. Students engaged in the preparation of examination competitions will be able to get the desired success. This month is also auspicious from the point of view of a love affair. If you are already in a love relationship, then it is possible that your relatives may accept your love and put a seal of marriage on it. Sweetness will remain in married life.
Ganesha says the second half of the month of January is going to be more favorable for Cancerians than the first half. At the beginning of the month, avoid getting misled by anyone and take any decision very carefully. During this time, due to not getting the desired cooperation from relatives and close friends, the mind will be a little upset. You may have to travel long or short distances with family in the second week of the month. During this time, you will have to make extra efforts and hard work to get desired financial benefits in business. In any case, maintain your strength and patience and avoid laziness. In case of confusion, do not forget to take the advice of a loved one or a well-wisher. In the first half of the month, things may not go according to your wish, but in the second half, you will get full support of good luck. There will be a possibility of benefit from working together with friends. This time will be normal in terms of health. The economic condition will be strong and businesses will get the desired profit. However, avoid investing money in any risky scheme and take a decision keeping your circumstances in mind while spending money. There will be strength in the love relationship and there will be opportunities to spend quality time with the love partner. Married life will remain happy.
Ganesha says at the beginning of the month of January, the natives of the Leo zodiac will get full support from friends and family, etc. and during this, the desired work will be completed on time. Working together with siblings will increase auspiciousness and profit. A plan will be made for the purchase and sale of land and buildings. There will be a need to take more careful decisions while doing any important work in the middle of the month. During this, there will be a possibility of making a big mistake in haste. Opponents in the workplace may try to distract you from your goal or obstruct your work. During this time there may be some ideological differences between best friends. In such a situation, avoid giving weight to small things. In the second half of the month, the situation will be seen changing, and once again your work will start getting back on track, and misunderstandings with best friends will also be removed. During this, there will be success in the love affair. There will be opportunities to spend time happily with the spouse and health will also be normal.
Ganesha says the month of January will be full of ups and downs for the people of Virgo. This month you will sometimes see happiness and sometimes sadness. At the beginning of the month, where you will get the full support of seniors and juniors in the workplace and your work will be completed easily, whereas, in the second week of the month, some obstacles related to the workplace will be a cause of great concern for you. During this time, do not force people to act according to your feelings, otherwise, it may spoil your personal relations. Avoid unnecessary arguments with anyone. Whether it is family or co-workers associated with the workplace, only if everyone works together, there will be a chance of getting the desired success. In the second half of the month, you will need to pay more attention to your health along with your relationship. During this, take full care of food and drink and if you are on any kind of medicine, then take it on time and do not make the mistake of ignoring health-related problems. During this, you will need to manage your time and money and walk. Avoid interfering excessively in the life of the love partner to deepen the love relationship.
Ganesha says the people of the Libra zodiac should be careful in the month of January, always keeping in mind the mantra of accidents. The month of January is going to be mixed for you. There will be chances of success in work only after working hard. The workload will remain in the workplace. Avoid unnecessary arguments both at home and outside. To maintain better relations with best friends, it would be better to ignore small things. In terms of health, you need to be very cautious this month. Take full care of food and routine. Economically, this month will not be very positive. Avoid making unnecessary expenses and manage money, otherwise, by the end of the month, you may have to borrow money. In the second half of the month, you will see some relief. During this time new sources of income will be created with the help of an influential person. Businesses will also see improvement. If you are already having a love affair, then be honest about it, otherwise, things may get spoiled. To keep married life happy, do not ignore the feelings of your life partner. Take special care of your health.
Ganesha says the month of January will bring more auspiciousness and success in the second half than in the first half for the Scorpio zodiac. At the beginning of the month, you will get mixed results. During this, you will need to be very careful in money-related transactions. Be it home, family or workplace, avoid imposing your views on others, otherwise, your reputation may decrease. At the beginning of the month, the mind may remain a little upset due to not getting the desired help from best friends and associates. During this, health can also remain a little soft. There may be some stomach problems in particular. In such a situation, pay full attention to food and routine. Financial problems may have to be faced in the second week of the month. During this, sudden big expenses will be a big cause of your worry. From home repair to material comforts, more money can be spent out of pocket. The second half of the month will be better in terms of career and business. During this, employed people can get promoted or transferred to the desired place. There will be unexpected profit in business as well. Relations with family members will be strong. However, you have to avoid showing your love, otherwise, you will have to face unnecessary problems. Due to the busy schedule, it will be a bit difficult to find time for the spouse.
Ganesha says for the people of Sagittarius, the month of January has brought auspiciousness and good luck. If you manage your time and money this month, then you can earn more success and profit than you expected. At the beginning of the month itself, you will heave a sigh of relief when major disputes related to land and buildings are resolved or the target of its purchase and sale is met. During this time, you will be able to take many big and beneficial decisions with courage and determination. Women’s mind is more engaged in worship. Long or short distance pilgrimage with family is also possible. In the second half of the month, while taking any big decision related to family, you will get the support and cooperation of parents and all the family members. During this, desired progress will be seen in career and business. People engaged in the preparation for examination competitions can get some good news. For those who are already having a love affair, their relationship with their love partner will be strong. Whereas there can be the entry of a love partner in the life of single people. Sweetness will remain in married life and there will be opportunities to spend moments of laughter and happiness with the spouse.
Ganesha says the month of January can prove to be a bit volatile for the people of Capricorn. This month, you will have to leave the habit of postponing your work and trying to complete it on time. This month you will have to try your best to avoid insults and pride. In such a situation, be polite while controlling your speech and behavior, and be very careful of those people who may try to obstruct your work or insult you. In the month of January, the people of Capricorn will need to work extra hard for success in their work. At the same time, unnecessary arguments in the workplace will also have to be avoided. There will be chances of short journeys this month but take special care of your health and belongings during the journey. Take special care in money transactions in the middle of the month. During this time, do not invest money in any such scheme where there is any possibility of risk. Avoid flirting with anyone this month, otherwise, you may have to give and take. If you are already in a love relationship, be honest with him and avoid interfering excessively in his personal life. To make married life sweet, do not make the mistake of ignoring the feelings and needs of your spouse.
Ganesha says for the people of Aquarius, the month of January is going to be sometimes happy and sometimes sad. This month, you will sometimes see things getting easier and sometimes getting worse. However, you have to maintain equanimity in all situations. If you wish, you will be able to achieve every goal with your own intelligence and hard work. If you do any work in partnership or are thinking of doing it, then keep the accounts correct and proceed only after clearing things. In terms of health, you will need to pay more attention in the latter part of the month of January than in the first half. During this time any of your old diseases can emerge once again. During this, be careful with your opponents in your workplace and do not disclose or glorify any plan before its implementation. During this, avoid unnecessary argumentative situations and do not make the mistake of taking any big decision by getting carried away by emotions or in haste. If you find yourself in a state of confusion while taking decisions related to career and business, do not forget to take the advice of your well-wishers. Increase the ping in a love relationship only after thinking, otherwise, you may have to face all the problems unnecessarily. Relations with the spouse will be normal with sour disputes.
Ganesha says the people of Pisces will have to avoid taking any decisions in haste or getting carried away in the month of January. At the beginning of the month, some big problems related to family and home can come to the fore. It would be better to solve those with the help of relatives. During this time, instead of relying on luck, you will need extra hard work and effort for success in your work. Success in important tasks will be achieved only by working in a planned manner. In the middle of the month, students’ minds can be filled with studies and during this time they will spend more time having fun. Your opponents may become active in the second half of January. In such a situation, be completely careful of your known and unknown opponents and enemies. During this, you must control your anger and avoid taking any wrong steps under someone’s provocation. Obstacles in a love affair will be a big reason for your worry. A female friend of yours can prove to be helpful in clearing any kind of misunderstanding with the love partner. In difficult times of life, the life partner will stand by your side like a shadow and will provide you with support. The health of an elderly person in the house can be a cause of concern for you.
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