Weekly Horoscope : November 16 – November 22, 2020
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Aries: Ganesha says a time when you will enjoy fully at the pleasures
that the senses can give. A fine time for artists and painters,
connoisseurs, gourmets, all those concerned with the art of good
living. I must ask here, is there any other way to live? You will also
have much to do with family values and also financial transactions. A
wonderful trend for the period, says Ganesha.
Taurus: Action, work, and employment are the focus. In fact, those not
employed may get jobs, or better prospects for those who do not have
suitable jobs are favored. It’s the right time to develop a good work
ethos, because the rewards will come. Ganesha guarantees that.
Gemini: A period of immense satisfaction for you, both for work and
for relationships at all levels, even for recreation and play. Family,
work, entertainment, children and hobbies, creative pursuits all give
pleasure, especially the satisfaction of a duty well done.
Cancer: The moon made you ready to take on the world, chance your arm!
You will now be romantic, even ardent, full of passion and love, and
enthusiasm. You will have the drive and determination to take on
anything you want to try your luck at. Travel is particularly
important, along with meeting people from distant lands, relatives,
tourists, visitors. You will extend your hospitality, too.
Leo: Financially, an upswing. Loans and funds will materialize for
work projects. Investments and capital formation will be expedited,
and so also finance for new projects. Employment prospects will also
improve for those who are already employed. A house move / shift, even
immigration are favored.
Virgo: This is the real time for trips, relationships, loans and
finances, to work out smoothly. Conversely though, it’s also the time
for coming together or separating permanently. That’s the way the
stars work for you, says Ganesha.
Libra: News and views will take top priority. It is good news for you
and bodes well for the future. It is also the time for mutual giving
and taking in relationships, for interfacing with as many people as
Scorpio: Once again, the focus is on finances, but it’s through the
opposite of a zoom lens – it’s long – range, for the years to come. I
mean by this that your activities now will create avenues for making
money in the long – term future, not this immediate future. You will
be building up your financial muscle and clout.
Sagittarius: It is a tie of warmth, intimacy, caring, and sharing with
family, parents, kin, in – laws. A clan gathering or family get –
together may occur. Religious rites, some type of reverence paid to
ancestors may also be performed or participated in. It’s the lares and
penates (Latin for household gods and Ganesha, of course) for you this
Capricorn: Work may well become the center of your existence, as it
will overshadow almost all other concerns. You may receive secret help
and guidance in your endeavors. However, it is a slightly tricky time
with regard to health, so a little care and some safeguards may be
necessary. You are supposed to be careful and meticulous. I think it’s
time to live up your sign.
Aquarius: The house / home and family are in focus and as a direct
opposite, travel as well. You will also alternate between period of
rest and intense activity, bordering on manic. Home and office will
come together in some way, or you could be operating from home. Also,
your artistic ability will be at full flow, and greatly appreciated by
Pisces: This could be the time not just to make decisions but to
execute them, especially where partnerships, business or marriage and
even migrating to foreign lands are concerned. Personal issues like
health, children, a major house move are important, too.
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