By Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla
Contact: +91 8141234275
Aries:Ganesha says you will be meeting many people from different walks of life and, possibly, from different countries and cultures too. There will be a lot of interaction, ideas and energy exchange at all levels, and you will gain tremendously from it. You will also run strong feelings as you reach out and make contact. There may be mood swings and several periods of depression and elation which follow you throughout the period.
Taurus:Since many different moods nestle in you and emerge as and when they feel like it, it is important which mood and which aspect of your diverse personality you take out of the bag. At so many levels, you do not belong to the real world and its mundane demands. You like to live free and fly like a bird. You can be a creative genius or a social worker or someone who scales the peaks of fiscal triumph. You must remember that you have many support systems and will always be bailed out in times of need.
Gemini:You are filled with love and care for those close to you and even for the large mass of humanity. You spend time and money indulging others. Some may feel that you have no respect for your time and that people take advantage of you but that is the way you are and there is no escaping it unless you very badly want to. All this could lead to hurt and disappointment and even a feeling of exploitation and resignation.
Cancer:Many dark thoughts float through your mind. There will be changes in your interests and there will be new ideas and ingenuity at work. You are attracted to the mysterious and to deep secrets. You will also get into the swing of hard work and apply all your ideas to the issues at hand. You are embarking on a new phase of achievement and hard work and you will brace yourself for it. You know that there is no free lunch in the world and you will have to more than sing for your supper.
Leo:This is a very significant period with many far-reaching consequences. Every aspect of your life gets heightened. You excel at work and play and are in great demand even to resolve domestic issues. You are a great solution provider and seem to have answers to all ticklish psychological issues. Listen to your inner voice for guidance. There will be prestige, social status, promotion, triumphs, awards and rewards. You have a large social circle and the rewards for your efforts will be seen by all.
Virgo:You are moving from strength to strength and this is a period of consolidation. You make great strides at work and make money and do the necessary investments. There is buying and selling and speculation in the stock and realty sectors. Your knowledge grows and several work-related avenues open up. You carry through demanding and far-fetched schemes as you begin to exploit your potential to the fullest. It is the start of a wonderful phase and you move ahead with Ganesha’s blessings!
Libra:There is very little to stop you or halt you in your tracks. You are filled with confidence and begin to think really big. You pursue serious issues and also are in a celebratory mood and there is fun and festivity in your life with a series of parties and get-togethers. Your mood is uplifted and all the gloominess which you were associated with is ancient history. You examine uncharted areas like discoveries, inventions, research, astrology, auras, magnets, numerology, new diets, macro food and probiotics.
Scorpio:You are expanding at a rapid pace and meeting all sorts of people. You are signing the dotted line in a series of profitable collaborations. Finances will dominate the period be it investments, buying / selling, and new acquisitions for yourself, the home and the office. There is money flowing and you use it well too. You are not the type who generally hoards and you like to share your earnings. You get yourself a new wardrobe and ad your personal signature to it. You look like a dandy this period.
Sagittarius:You need to work hard to take a grip on your emotions this period. You will be very sensitive about something and overtly emotional and all this will set you back. You also look at tantra and mantra and spend time in esoteric and spiritual pursuits. You will have close associations and, possibly, the kindling of a new romance. Your sensitivity draws many admirers, and this could well be a time for distraction and a rustle with the opposite sex.
Capricorn:You are distracted by your many associations and spend a good portion of the period at meetings and with friends that, I dare say, will not be hugely profitable. People come to you with their problems and you love solving them. As a result, a lot of time is wasted more serious work piles up. Domestic affairs also come into sharp focus and you will be attending to the home and family needs. There may be illness and unwanted expenses. Be prepared for all that. As we know, being forewarned is forearmed.
Aquarius:There is a lot of stability in your dealings and you settle down to the grind. You work hard and see the results easily. You move fast, solve pending issues and lay solid foundations for expansion. Your efforts and endeavors are energized, and you are duly rewarded. There is promotion, perks and progress. You are not one to be moved by all this and you take it in your stride. Money certainly buys goodies but it doesn’t find a place in your shrine. You live in a world of ideas and dreams, and money, at best, fuels them.
Pisces:The concrete and sustained work phase continues. You make steady progress and start new collaborations / ventures / offices. There will be travel and some expenses too. But this is a phase of consolidation and you will be covering a lot of ground. Children will bring joy and there could be happy moments like a child doing well in studies, sports or in extra-curricular activities. There will be family outings, possibly a holiday together. There is all-round growth in this period and you are in harmony and sing a happy tune.
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