Weekly Horoscope (Jan 11-17, 2021)

Shri Ganeshaya Namah!

Aries: Ganesha says this week will be joyful ride for you. The week is going

to be a roller coaster but at the weekend you will feel very great

about all the decisions you took and the downfalls taught you a lot of

things. Any work you start this week will be completed by the weekend

and then you can plan a small trip at weekend. God will bless you with

a lot of happiness. This week try to wear only earthly colors because

dark color can give you negative vibes and negative thoughts and that

might lead you to feel ill headed. On your romantic fronts, you are

going to go great. The love will knock the doors of your heart as you

are greatly nudged by Venus. Your dashing and charming personality

will attract your opposite gender and your communication skills will

also attract your peers. Your partner might be opposite to you but you

two are going to make a really good pair.

On your professional fronts, it will be quite good. Whether you are

planning to start a business than it will be favorable if you continue

it in sole proprietor rather than starting it as a partnership firm.

At your workplace, you might get a lot of promotions and appreciation

from the higher authorities. Apart from that, your peers might feel

envious from you because you are doing all your work fantastically.

Talking about your health it will be awesome but just take care while

you are driving and doing any physical exercise related to legs, as

you may get a ligament injury. Overall, this week just be careful and

happy the God is with you.

Taurus:You might be very inconsistent at your work but simultaneously you are

very creative, kind and smart. If you are a businessman or a student

you will have to work really very hard. The reason for the same is

that there will be many contenders which will be stronger than you but

to defeat them the only hard work will be needed. This will be

happening due to planetary changes this week and that is why it

creates a lot of hindrances in your work. Adding up you will be very

focused but the Venus will try to distract you from your work. Be

careful. There are chances that you can find a new job and don’t leave

this opportunity. If something great hits the door than grab it and

move ahead.

This week you might feel your business is not expanding and enhancing

but for the same have patience. Take the help of someone who is old

and experienced in the business. On your romantic fronts, go for a

ride with your partner or take them to a dinner date. You are going to

make them feel great and that is why they also might strike you from

some surprises. Be happy. Apart from that, your health will be quite

good. You might be irritated in the middle of the week but till the

end, you will be all good.

Gemini: This week will be ordinary. On the contrary, there might be some

hindrances but you will resolve them quickly. Relying on luck will

make things disappointing. Students should build good relationships

with their professors that might help you in future. You might make

many efforts to complete all your work but it will get postponed. You

will eventually gain success. You will have to work hard only than it

will pay off. Other than that, lucky days for you are Wednesday and

Saturday but not accomplish any of your goals on Sunday cause that

might not lead you to satisfactory results. On your romantic fronts,

you will hit the bull’s eye. Your lover might feel that your behavior

is completely changed but they will like your new version. You can

also plan for a baby this week.

On your professional fronts, you will utterly gain a lot of profits

but at the same time due to circumstances your useless expenses will

rise and most of your money will be spent on that part. Your father

plays a very huge role in your marital life. He will be the one who

will resolve all of your conflicts with your spouse. Health this week

is not your prime concern because it will stay the same and usual.

Travelling this week may make you feel motion sickness or nauseous.

Try to evade travelling for this week.

Cancer:This week’s horoscope firmly says that the person who studied overseas

will have a great scope in terms of everything. Hindrances may

approach in everything you do good but don’t worry they will be

resolved. It is happening due to Rahu transiting into the fifth house

this week. Do not misplace hope, be firm on your way to victory. The

end of the week will be relaxing and happy. This week there are

chances that you can get many job opportunities and you are suggested

to accept them. Your communication skills and managerial skills will

impress the superiors. This week lucky days for you are Monday and

Saturday. This week it will be favorable to change your house or the

office. That new place can get you a lot of profits on your

professional fronts. Investing in share markets and IPOs will be

favorable and the returns you will gain will be great.

On your romantic fronts, don’t be much concerned about your love life

today at the end of the week the results are going to be ordinary.

Other people might try to spoil your relationship so have a very

mutual understanding with your partner. This week think twice before

taking any step. Take all the decision with a stable and calm mind.

This week in terms of health will be quite bad. You might feel

vomiting and you can even suffer from cough and cold. Don’t take all

the things lightly you might have to concern a doctor other than that

take intense care while going out. Use all the safety equipment.

Leo:This week will be very challenging. You won’t get time for chilling

out even at the weekend. You yourself will understand the reason at

the end of the week. The results at the end you will feel satisfied.

Working hard and smart simultaneously will give you perfect results.

There are some hindrances which you may face. You know that this

society is never utopian. Your work will be highly appreciated

ubiquitously but some people will be jealous of that and they will

strongly try to retaliate and wish for your downfall. You will have to

stay still and strong despite all the hindrances disturbing your work.

At your professional fronts, there are possibilities you can get huge

promotions. This week you can start business which can be related to

Education, food, agriculture and furniture.

On your romantic fronts, this week it will not be quite good. You

might get in conflict with your partner and that might not get

resolved for a few days. Try to make them feel special. If you get in

conflict than try to understand them and try not to retaliate. Your

health will also be perfect. There are not things to worry about.

Virgo:This week will be impressive and things might happen which you

wouldn’t have expected to happen. The probability of things happening

are good. You will be able to impress anywhere you go due to your

communication skills and your charming aura. Don’t be possessed with

all the things. Don’t be hasty in completing things. Everything has

the right time and it will happen accordingly. Being clam will make

you feel good. This week you can cut down your workload and at the

weekend you can also go for a small trip. On professional fronts, all

your higher authorities will be impressed by you and they will

appreciate you. Starting a new business this week will be good. The

business which you can start can be related to pharmaceutical or

agriculture. If you are continuing any business than you might feel it

is not expanding. Try to continue it for a long time. For starting a

new business Monday and Friday will be best.

Your health does not concern this week, although you can feel joint

pains and backaches and that can be due to your age. Praying to lord

hanuman will be beneficial. Stay fit and follow your daily exercise

routine. On your romantic fronts, there might be some issues. You

might be planning to shift or start a new thing and your spouse may

not feel good about this. Evade your ego and explain them calmly. Even

there will be some conflicts with your partner due to your family.

Marrying this week does not show satisfactory results.

Libra:As of your romantic fronts, this week will be great. Try to make new

relationships will attain satisfactory results. This week you can

surely plan for a baby. Your mother and father might play a very huge

role in your romantic fronts. Get easy with flirting cause might hurt

someone’s feeling. Other than that, you will have to take immense care

of some tiny problems. Checkup is required. Consulting a doctor will

help you to build confidence in a matter of health. Meditating and

doing yoga daily will make you feel good.

Your week will mostly be ordinary. You might make some decision in

haste and anger and that will result in worse things. Think twice

before you perform any activity. This week you might hurt someone’s

feeling who is really close to you and so be very precise what you

speak. Your professional fronts are going to be great. You will feel

stressed but at the end of the week, you will be relaxed. You might

get in conflict with your subordinates but you will be able to deal

with them later. Getting angry will only result in getting things bad.

Scorpio: This week will be very optimistic and will give you positive vibes.

There are chances you might have an income which is really sudden and

very unexpected. You will be really happy this week. Be aware of

Pisces and Aquarius zodiac they might try to manipulate you and make

you hurt. This week stay far from dark Colors they might give to

negative effect. Other than that Thursday and Saturday will be great

and even if you want to start a new business then these days will be

perfect. Stay optimistic and crush all the pessimistic ideas and throw

them in the garbage bin.

On your romantic fronts, this week play an important role in your

life. This week is very special and very vital. This week will make

you and your partner very close and that will strengthen your bond.

Stay calm and very happy. You will rock. On your professional fronts,

this week will go ordinary there will be some unexpected gain.

Starting a new business week will be great. Your health is also going

to be very good. Just take care while you drive because there are

chances you can get into some small accidents. Apart from that, this

week will be simple and good. Stay happy.

Sagittarius:It’s going to be a tough and bold week. All of your decisions taken inthis week will be accurate that is neither less nor more. They will be

satisfactory. Either on mid of the week or at the end of the week you

will be able to move on the form the things which are bothering you

for a very long time. Try to forget about the past and focus on future

cause only that will help you to deal with all the hindrances. Few

people might envy you and will definitely expect your downfall.

Although your graph of success will go straight up. On your romantic

fronts, this will be creative. Your partner and you might try a knot.

This week your partner may also surprise you with something that is

very unique and you will enjoy that.

On your professional fronts, you will rock. Your colleagues will be

jealous of you and they may plan a trap for you and getting into it

may cause trouble. The person whom you trust the most will not be

trustworthy. Starting up a new business will not be good this week it

may not get you appropriate results. You should be concerned about

your cardiac health. This week there are chances that due to intense

hard work you will have to deal with some uneasy problems such as

headache, feeling nauseous etc.

Capricorn:This week will be good. Wednesday and Thursday will be a complete mess but you will learn a lot from it and later on, you will manage things

accordingly. This week will be stressful but your passion for your

work will attract people. Goddess Laxmi and God Kuber have blessed you

and so that this week you will gain immense profits. The decision you

will take this week will not give you sudden results. The effect of

your decision will be in the long term therefore think twice before

you make any decision. This week is starting up a new business will be

good and will give you positive results. Apart from that if you start

a business then it should be either in form of a sole proprietor or if

you are planning for partnership then there should not be more than 10

partners in your new business.

On your romantic fronts, you will have a bit messy week, this week

newlyweds can plan for a baby. There are possibilities your love may

show their true colors and then you might feel embarrassed and uneasy.

Your health is going to be great. If you are suffering from any

long-term disease will get cured gradually in this week.

Aquarius :As of your Aquarius fronts, this week will be great. Try to make new

friends and don’t let your relations be ruined. Try to keep your mind

calm and you have much more opportunities in this week so try to grab

as much you can. You have a lot of love from your friends and family

so, don’t feel tensed and stay relaxed. Tension will cause chaos and

that thing will end up in running your relations. Other than that, you

have to stay away from people you don’t like and just don’t catch any

negative vibes.

Your week will be interesting when you work for it. As earlier stated,

that you will get more opportunities this week to showcase yourself,

so work for it. This week might your body can suffer from any acute

disease so be careful and follow the precautions for the same. In this

week you lose your old friends but you will have the chance to solve

the problems so think before you speak. This week you can surely start

anew business which can be related to things such as electronic

gadgets and education. your health this week is quite concerning.

drive safely.

Pisces: As for Pisces, stars show that this week it’s going to be a little

uneasy and hectic. You can get some issues regarding your families and

friends, which can cause a little suffering for you. Just try to make

everyone happy because that will help you to overcome this problem.

There is only one way to overcome uneasy things is just that this week

you will have to stay polite so that no disputes occur. And if you

don’t stay calm then it will impact to your close ones so, think twice

before taking actions and speak with ease of gestures. This week is

not favorable for planning  a trip because that may give you bad

results in terms of your health, but other than that everything will

be great. This week there are chances you may find your true love

partner. At starting you might get in conflict with him/her but

gradually things will begin to settle down.

This week there are not so many opportunities for you but, just keep

in mind you don’t lose hope. This week might go quite bad; however, you

will learn from this a lot of things which will be really helpful. You

can get your life partner and sharing feelings to them will help you

this week. Love will make your mind calm. On your professional front,

you are going to do quite good. at your workplace, there are chances

you might get promoted. This week your business will flourish and expand.

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