Weekly Horoscope- July12 July to 18, 2021

Shri Ganeshaya Namah!!!

By Astro Friend Chirag – Son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Aries – This week you will enjoy living your life and relaxing because you will have the time to do what you love instead of slogging off constantly which you have been doing since quite a while now. Make sure you’re focused on yourself this week and not on other people. As you spend your time in new adventures and exploring nature throughout the week you will learn more about yourself this week than you have in the last few weeks.


Taurus – Your health trouble you this week. You will feel a discomfort in your body, most likely your stomach, it is a sign that you need to stop eating poorly and irregularly. If you ignore the pain and discomfort, it will progressively keep getting worse, so you need to be disciplined in terms of eating well.


Gemini – You will come across a lot of people this week you will help you better your love life. This week is full of love and peace for you. This week is a great week for your love life as well. It would be good to love and most importantly be kind towards your partner this week.


Cancer– Youwill do great this week. Material security is on your way this week. This week you will realize the importance of your family as you will have gone through something very challenging and difficult in your life this week itself. Make sure to express your gratitude to them and apologies for your past mistakes genuinely.


Leo – You will have the time, space and finances to follow your passion this week. You will gain a lot of profit in your business this week which will set a positive mood for the week. Your quality of work will significantly improve as you have invested a lot of time in learning new things. Your focus towards your goal as well as your patience is very commendable.


Virgo – You will look at the world with a unique new insight this week. You will notice that if you look out for the little good things that keep happening throughout the week. Life might be a little bit tough this week but you will realize that you are tougher than any circumstances or challenges that you come across you this week. You will be a force to reckon with in the face of adversities that you face this week and everything that you do in life will be an inspiration to all those around you from this point onwards.


Libra – Your business will seem to be improving this week as new clients arrive, and it is gradually improving in your favor. Discipline in your work must be maintained for you to see significant positive changes in your work. Your business will work out on its own with only a small amount of supervision needed from you. Outsourcing has worked in your favor, now all you need is management skills and discipline, patience, responsibility.


Scorpio – You might be feeling fit and fine mentally and even elated by the love that is being shown to you but physically your health with be like a leash to you which prevents you from having fun and living life to the fullest this week. Even though the trouble that you have in your health this week is quite temporary and won’t go on to bother you as much as it does this week in the next few weeks but this week might be a slightly tough week for you.


Sagittarius – The positive aspect of your life this week is that you will learn to stand up for yourself and say no when you do not want to do anything. Standing up for yourself will help you to live life to the fullest this week. You will come across a lot of people this week; you will help you better your love life. This week is full of love and peace for you. This is a great week for you overall. It would be good to love and most importantly be kind towards everyone this week.


Capricorn – You may need to be a little pragmatic as you seem to be so overwhelmed with love, you need to think about taking the next step now. You also need to accept that both lovers are never similar hence deal with your differences with compassion and kindness. If you focus all your energies on the goal which you have set for yourself, you are bound to get success. During this time, you will do well in your professional life as financial abundance is in your sign’s favor this week when comes to your business.


Aquarius – Your passion will shine through in everything that you do this week; You need to be fearless and bold in following your dreams this week. The risks that you took this week will work out in your favor this week. You will have the most fun this week more than any other week.


Pisces – You will come across someone you will be very interested in unexpectedly this week. Venus is in your favor this week. You will have wonderful adventures with your partner this week. You will need to put some effort to please your partner. But all in all, this will be a great week for you and your loved ones.



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