Weekly Predictions (January 18 – 24, 2021)

Shri Ganeshaya Namah!


Venus is in the favor of your sign this week hence whatever you do

regarding your love life will turn out to be beneficial for you. Take

full advantage of Venus being in your favor this week. If you’re

single, socialize and try to meet new people as well as catch up with

old friends. This week you can begin moving ahead in the pursuit of

pleasure and fulfilling partnerships.

This week is a great period to earn appreciation for your generosity,

so give freely and you will get back even more in return. Don’t be

afraid to express your feelings in ways that are more emotional than

reasoned. Be vulnerable as it makes you more genuine and open towards

your partner.


You will gain a lot of profit in your business this week which will

set a positive tone for the entire week. You won’t need to do things

that you hate in terms of work anymore. You will have the time, space

and affordability to follow your passion. Financial abundance is in

your cards this week, which will keep you satisfied and happy

throughout the week. You need to be more analytical about making

investments now as managing the funds that you receive this week and

in the future as it will make a significant difference in your life.

This is the perfect week for you to make investments as your luck will

favor you into making the correct and logical decisions. Seek advices

from the elders that you trust as well as your partner. Do not delay

in taking the decisions as your luck is in your favor this week. Make

sure to take important decisions in this week itself.


Exciting, adventurous and fun defines this week for you. When it comes

to your business be open to your team’s ideas and don’t be afraid to

take steps out of the box and be unique and creative. Your business

will be thriving this week. Financial abundance is in favor of your

sign, although it will demand a lot of your time and attention, you

will enjoy each and every moment of it as creativity is your forte,

it’s what you do best and you love doing it the most. Only take the

creative and not the conventional route when it comes to your business



Let your intuitions guide you this week. You will make amazing returns

on your speculations this week, which will bring your self –

confidence to the next level. You will receive a lot of appreciation

from people who did not believe in you and underestimated your

intelligence. Focus on building relationships that feel right and

aren’t made on selfish motives. Work on improving your communication

skills today.

Your decision making and leadership skills will impress a new prospect

this week and will yield you very positive results with very little of

your time and attention needed. Your love life will flourish this week

as you have a lot of time at your hands. You will have a very warm and

cozy time with your partner cherishing how far you have come together

in your personal as well as professional lives in this week itself.


You will feel extremely loved and appreciated this week, which will

boost your confidence. Your partner will make you feel like you’re

worth a lot more than you have been given till date. Hence you will

walk through every place as if it’s the most beautiful thing you have

ever seen. You need to care for your partner as much as they care for

you. Be careful of letting yourself come across as rude and snobby to your

partner, and seek out new ways to delight your partner. Singles should

seek our intellectual stimulation when searching for their special

someone. When looking for a connection seek out people who hold a zest

for life and a search for deeper meaning. As you notice that your well

– being improves over this week, you will have a lot of energy to go

on fun adventures with your partner.


This week is all about new and positive beginnings for you.

Career-wise, your journey will give the expected results. You just

have to make sure that you are determined to tread ahead with

discipline. You will be provided you with ample opportunities to prove

yourself at work as well, which, in turn, may also lead to your

promotion in this week itself. Material security is on your way today.

This could mean that at work you’ll be more satisfied with your salary

rather than with job satisfaction or creative fulfillment. Your

business will be great and smooth throughout the week. Your business

will grow a lot this week and you will acquire new clients. Be it a

big or a small prospect, you will observe that your business has grown

the most this week.


Your relationship will grow stronger today and you’re very likely to

take the next step in your relationship this week. You and your

partner will grow very closet this week. You will start to understand

what makes them upset and what makes them happy. Hence you will

realize that things will only get better as the days go by in this

week itself. Your relationships in general will improve a lot be it

with your partner, family or friends. Hence this week is all about

socializing for you.

If you are looking for love, this is the week for you to socialize and

start meeting new people as luck is on your side throughout the week.

You’re very likely to find a very strong new love interest this week.

Relaxing by meditating and doing what you love will be very important

for you during this entire week.


This week is all about hustling for you. You will be very ambitious

and mostly achieve whatever you want in you want this week. You will

be helpful, generous and spend money freely but make sure to be

extremely careful in spending on right things only. Domestic life will

be peaceful and serene throughout the week. You will also be able to

defeat your rivals with flying colors this week. All in this is a good

week for you to work hard and enjoy the results of your hard work.

This week is going to be fabulous for you. Positive news at the

beginning of the week itself will boost your confidence to a whole

another level. This week is going to be full of excitement and unique

experiences for you. You will go through a positive shift when it

comes to your mental and physical health. This positive shift will

help you to participate and indulge more in social events. You will

have an overall very positive week. Your competitors will think twice

before facing you! People will not dare to pick fights with you this

week. You need to use this opportunity starting early this week itself

to build better relationships.


Your personality will shine through in front of a new prospect and all

of your colleagues throughout this week. The stars are really making

you be the best you can be this week be it as a partner or as an

employee. If you’re single, you’re most likely to meet a love interest

You’ll be smiling all week, thinking someone you have an instant

connection with. You and your new love interest are extremely

compatible and you will feel so as the week goes by both of you will

be very excited about each other and are likely to agree upon the same

choices in everything you do. Both of you will feel loved and

appreciated, hence rest assured all your feelings about this person

are mutual and will be reciprocated.


You will have a newfound confidence throughout this week. You will

have a newfound burst of energy throughout the entire week. That is

because the sun is in your favor this week and will make you fearless,

confident and energetic this week. You can conquer each and every

aspiration you have this week with minute efforts. Your health will

assist you in achieving all that you want this week today as well.

Your health is doing very well this week. You might experience some

issues like acidity or increased heart rate which is nothing to worry

about as it is due to the intense energies that are with you this



Working with your team will be relatively easy this week. Your work

life will be the most positive part of your week. You will also

receive a lot of love and appreciation from your colleagues which will

set a very positive tone for the entire week as you keep getting

praised which motivates you to work even better. New prospects in

terms of sponsorship will help you move forward in your business as

well hence this week speaks monetary gains for you. Your charismatic

energy will attract a lot of people today towards you this week which

means if you’re single you might as well have a lot of people chasing

after you. If you’re in a relationship You’re likely to take the next

step in your relationship this week itself.


Your week will be filled with excitement! You will get involved in

activities you always wanted to do like dancing or any adventurous

sport. The first three days will bring you opportunities you were

waiting for but in the last two days you will get the time and funds

to make a huge celebration of all the opportunities you have received.

Avoid getting into any fights or arguments or even coming across

people who you know trigger you in the wrong way this week.

This week you should be very selective avoid people you invest your

emotions in as their possessive nature may harm you later. There will

be surprising moments due to transition of moon. Your happiness will

be contagious towards the people you love the most and you will have

the time of your life with your favorite people. Last week’s messy

situations will come grounded this week and help from your partner

will push you towards progress in career. Love will bloom

unexpectedly, do not get overwhelmed just sit back and enjoy.

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