Weekly Predictions (January 4 – January 10, 2020 )

Shree Ganeshaya Namah


Ganesha says, your week will be full of experiences as you will meet new people and make new bonds. Although most of them will bring you closer to your success, some of them will try to drag you down. Don’t let anyone decide for you and don’t welcome opinions. Try to take your own decisions and make sure you stick to the. The first half of the week will be a little bit challenging as you will have to make swift movement work and home. Second half of the week will be easy and smooth. You will welcome some technical advancement at your work place this week. In the end of the week, your consciousness will be open to higher vibrations, perhaps resulting in greater self-awareness or even psychic perception.

The second half of the week will be accented on your health and wellness. You do not need to worry as you will be totally alright but your mental wellness will need some attention. Try not to make any hasty decisions and keep calm while working. You don’t owe answers to anyone but only yourself.


This will be week of waiting for you. you will have to wait more for the results you were expecting this week Also, task you complete this week will show results late. The financial arrangements you make will take some time.Your relationships with your family will improve this week. You will get lot of support to enhance your financial and personal growth. Students will be able to see visible progress this week. People involved in jobs will be able to gain attention of their superiors. This week You can exposeaenigmas through study and research, or through analysing and questioning others. Profound detections are possible. You may realize something very significant about yourself, from deep within your soul.

On romantic fronts, you will be able to impress your partner by giving them gift and making them feel special. This week is the right time to talk about marriage and kids. People dealing with legal matters will have to be extra careful this week. As you will make your moves in terms of business, make sure you only negotiate with people you already know.


Gemini you have always been Jack of all trades but master of none. You try to explore everything and leave it in the middle and end up jumping to another. This week, Lord Shiva will bring you focus and persistency. Also, Moon is in your favour so you will be able to stay on one thing and take it forward. Your legal battle will get ugly if you don’t decide to lay low. You are the person of value but manipulation by someone will make you cross the thin line between right and wrong. This week you will be able to bring people closer to you who were driven away by your aggressive nature.

The starting of week may be difficult for you to deal with as your children or spouse will head you to hospital over minor injuries. You will be able to build your much thought financial backup and by the end of the week your blueprint will be in on paper works. Whatever you do, don’t forget Lord Ganesha as he will drive you to your destination. As we look upon the middle of the week, your partner will help you think rationally and make wise decisions about your career. Be grateful and make the best out of these seven days.


For you, starting of the week will be all about being alert, being warned as your competitors and your enemies will keep their eyes upon your loss and loopholes. Try to cover your tracks if you implement your masterplans. For people indulged in artistic field, you will be able to catch eyes of some influential people this weekend. For people indulged in regular jobs, you may have complaints about your monotony but you will also see your name on promotional and appraisal list real soon.

Talking about your health, well you will find it hard to get indulge in physical workout and meditation regularly as work pressure will mount you down but at least try to eat healthy as this week, your Rahu will be weak. Your romantic fronts look complicated as you will not be able to clear the misunderstanding between you and your partner. Try to find ways to please them and you will be fine.


Make sure you make the best out of this week as your planetary positions and stars are in very favourable position this week. You can expect nothing but good news from people around you. On professional fronts, first two days will go smooth but next three days will create issues of adaptability as some changes might appear regarding your work. On romantic fronts, the answer you have waiting for will arrive and fortunately, positive. Married couple will find time to k now each other better and will enhance physical connection. On legal fronts you can expect the good news from a lawyer and if you were looking for a right time to get indulge in any legal matter well, now is the time as Mercury is sending positive energy.

This week will be overwhelming for you as you will advance on many fronts you will not be able to count your happiness on fingertips. Make sure you learn so many things when you are blessed with creative insight this week. You should think about buying that dream property this week as your loan is likely to get approved. Make sure you don’t hurt anyone’s sentiments and keep your feet grounded.


Your week will start with surprises as unexpected guests will visit you. Things will not go wrong but may not go the way you expect it to. In the second half of the week, you will make many mistakes so be careful. Jupiter will not only bless you with opportunities but will also bring good fortune to purchase real assets and property. On professional fronts, people involved in business related to clothing and manufacturing will earn more profits. People involved in I.T will have a hard time. These seven days will best for you making a proposal and spending time with your soulmate. Your health concerns will be on back seat as you will feel fine. Don’t delay your diet plan. Start it from this week itself.

Virgo, your spiritual faith is wavering a lot and you have stopped trusting God’s planning and you want to be the one who holds all the control. You are God’s special child and his plans may not come faster in action but will be better and healthier for you. This week he will show you how your patience and his planning can do wonders in your life.


You have been holding yourself back because you are too afraid to move forward into a new situation. This week, Mercury will bless you with energy to fight your fears. Stick to reality and don’t get pulled away by illusions this week. If you were going to ask for favours from anyone, Thursday would be the right day. Someone will suggest you new approaches to boost sales and you must listen to opinions carefully. You will be able to negotiate good deals in the starting to the week. People involved in monotony job, this week will be hectic for you as you won’t be able to cope with time and work. Your confidence and promotional methods will bring you appreciations.

In the second half of the week, you will be able to bring positivity to your relationship. Your relationship will be fine in general but some efforts will make your partner feel more attracted towards you. You will be able to have a nice time with your family this week. Don’t let your children get involved in any arguments this week.  Your health will be alright but you will need to take your respiration issues seriously.


You will be receiving the results of past investments this week and they will be promising indeed. You will stay active towards securing funds. You will be able to gain attention of people at your workplace and also you can expect support from your family. You will flourish your creative insight this week. Your consciousness will regain the enlightenment it supposedly lost in last few days as you will meet someone influential. It’s a good time to preach lessons of values to your children. Your health is likely to get weaker in the second half of the week as you will feel uneasy and pain in joints and back will bother you. Your expenses will also decrease in the second half of the week. Doing charity at the weekend will bring you good fortune. Take out the last day of the week to plan new business ventures with people you keep your trust in. This week, your spiritual faith will put to test. Don’t lose your temper and make sure you keep your beliefs intact.


You will have to deal with confrontations this week. You are not good at it, but this is the only way you can get rid of what is burdening you. Lord Ganesha will bless with courage to face things. you are likely to visit far places for work as your planetary positions suggests. The first phase of the week is filled with expenditures but the second half will be filled with profits. The weekend will be good time to make financial investments. You will have to deal with dominating people and you will get into power struggle with someone at your workplace. in the mid of the week, you are likely to get caught up in some negative energies which will make you do things against your ethics.

On romantic fronts you will be able to take significant turns. Despite efforts you will not be able to strengthen the bond. It is advisable to let some time go and let your partner perceive things going on in their life. Your health will not be matter of concern as you will feel alright physically and mentally. You may feel melancholic at the end of the week but practising meditation will help you.


Capricorns are ambitious, warm and big dreamers. This week will bring you potential to take step forward to accomplish those dreams. You will be able to the larger picture and will oversee the issues rather than getting into details which will save your time. You will also incline towards spirituality this week. You will sign contracts in the first half of the week. Things will change in your existing romantic relationship and it will have greater impact for longer time. Happiness will knock the doors of your married life as you will get over long time issues and love will once again bloom.

Expecting too much will bring you disappointments this week. Your children will feel confused and will be taken aback from what they are on to, try to support them in whatever they do. Your health will be needed to look upon as you will have complaints regarding your vision and eye issues. Make sure you don’t get late in consulting your doctor.


Aquarius, this is the week of disclosure and acknowledgement for you. You will be able to express yourself so well this week that you will attract people who will offer opportunities you have been waiting for. You will be pushed to take new routes to reach your planned destinations this week, this route may not be as easy as you expected but don’t worry as Venus is in your support. You will leave your soft land and walk an extra mile of experience.

Second half of the week will bring you good news regarding your relationship. Your partner will come up with the solutions of the problems you were worried about. It’s a good time to build physical connection. You will also bring luxury home in the second half of the week. Your health will be alright and you need not to worry about anything serious this week. About minor hurdles at your workplace, you will be blessed with coping capacity.


This week is bringing you abundance of peace and advancement. You will feel more confident and valiant this week. You are likely to plan a short trip in the first part of the week. You are likely to establish amiable relationship with your family members. Planetary movements are pointing fingers to few challenges regarding work in the later part of the work but you will be able to take bold steps towards expansion. You are likely to medical health care regarding one of your family members but don’t worry there won’t be anything serious. Your children will be able to make peace with what they have lost lately. Taking some risks this week will be okay and there’s nothing to worry about.

You can rely on your intuitions and inner voice this week.  You will be able to find answers to the occult which bothered you earlier. You will not only be able to gain clear perceptions but also your creative insight will come to your rescue. The end of the week will bring cooperative attitude in the market which will help you win easily. Let your courage drive you this week and enjoy the ride. God has his plans, better than yours.

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