A Faith Renewed: A Reflection Upon 2022 and Hopes for 2023
“Godsometimes takes us into troubled waters not to drown us, but to cleanse us.” This quote, told to me by a dear friend Ratna Bhalla, has been mymantra for this past year. Like many people, 2022 has beenfull of tribulations yet as the new year approaches, I would like to take a moment to reflect upon what this past year has taught me and what my hopes are for the next one.
This past year had me questioning more than any year thus far. Shortly after the start of my second term as President of IALI, I found myself being challenged left and right. My excitement to faithfully serve my community for another term – a triumphant first in IALI history– was quickly tested and almost dissipated when every event, from my own induction ceremony to the most recent gala event, was threatened with boycotts. It was incredibly difficult to make it through. There was a time when truly thought I could not handle anymore and said,“God please give me the strength.” As I drew support from my mom and my religion, I trudged onward trying my best to execute the very best of events and not spare any amount of effort.
It is easy to get stuck upon the unanticipated events of the past year, to the point that we may find our faith shaken and sense of self questioned. Even to the point that we may be frightened of the uncertainty that lies ahead. Yet, much like the dawning of the new year – it is all about perspective. Water has the power to drown us, just as much as it has the power to cleanse us. What can make us anxious in one moment, such as the passing of another year, can also shift intoa sense of possibility.The events of the past year, while difficult, have also solidified my commitment to IALI and served as a reminder ofmy capabilities. It is with this in mind that I hope to leave the troubles of 2022 in the past and embark upon 2023 with a renewed vigor and commitment to IALI.In 2023 I hope to have the honor of elevating IALI even further.
Bina Sabapathy
(Bina Sabapathy is currently serving her second term as President of India Association of Long Island. Bina was born and brought up in Udupi, a holy place in the southern part of India’s Karnataka State, before migrating to the United Sates in the 80s. Since moving 37 years ago she quickly began involving herself with a host of organizations that she still continues to be an active part of, alongside being a hobbyist gardener and singer. )