Susmita Ghosh

Overall impressions of 2022, anticipation for 2023

The promising developments of 2022 will bear fruit in 2023. The businesses that have weathered the storms of late and those that continue to do so are using their strengthened resolve to propel them in future. The year 2023 is pivotal for many companies as they will see a return strategy.

There were many wars in 2022. Throughout the world, markets and investors have felt these wars’ effects. The three significant conflicts stand out in 2022 like –

  1. The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has polarized the world’s strategic powers and threatens to undo the post-USSR expansion of international trade and commerce.
  2. The fight waged by central banks to combat the multi-decade high inflation brought on by the massive monetary easing and fiscal incentives implemented in response to the Covid pandemic.
  3. China‘s ongoing fight against the Coronavirus has caused widespread illness in the country.

In the current trend in global equities markets, financial markets could persist beyond 2023. Equity prices in developed markets and industrial commodities may continue to be volatile and under duress in 2023.

As commodity prices fall due to demand destruction, emerging markets driven by commodities may experience extreme volatility with a negative skew. There is hope for the future of rising markets driven by services and manufacturing in the upcoming year. In the future, it’s possible that metal and energy prices may continue to fall. A sharp uptick in bond prices and a decline in gold prices could result in weaker global growth.

New allotments should be held off until a more favorable investment time has come along. Until 2023, the current difficulties in the macro environment may remain.

There is a great deal of promise in these forthcoming chapters in 2023. The recent events may inspire companies to devote more resources to social justice initiatives.

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