Apple to ban apps that offer incentives to users for enabling app tracking

Apple has finally released the much-awaited iOS 14.5 update for its gadgets. Apple users may already be aware of the many features that come with the update, one of them being App Tracking Transparency. This feature basically notifies users whenever a third-party app is tracking them online and asks for their permission on whether or not to move ahead with it. While users were pretty content with this new feature, companies like Facebook that are known for being fuelled by web user data have criticized this decision. The situation only headed towards the south as many apps started announcing rewards for users in exchange for their data to circumvent Apple’s decision. Here is Apple’s response.

Following the iOS 14.5 update, users will get to see a new feature in the form of a pop up that greets them before they open an app. The pop-up asks for their permission on whether or not they want to be tracked and presents them with two options as answers, “Ask App Not to Track” and “Allow”. Apple also simultaneously updated its Human Interface Guidelines with a new section called “Accessing User Data” that dictates new policies for companies. In the policy, it is mentioned that all apps must follow the procedure of asking user permission not just for personal data but also to access device compatibilities like microphone and camera as well as consent to track them.

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