Twitter rival Koo has launched its ‘Talk to Type’ feature for Indian languages and said it is the first social media platform to roll out such capability. The move would enable and empower those users who feel uncomfortable using the keyboard. “Anybody who wants to share their thoughts can now do so easily without having to type. They can speak their thoughts out loud and the words will show up magically on the screen. All at the click of a button and without using a keyboard,” the company said in a statement. This will happen in all the Indian languages Koo is currently available in, and will be the “easiest way to share thoughts with people in a native Indian language”. “Koo is the first social media platform in the world that is using this ‘Talk to Type’ feature, that too in Indian regional languages, apart from English. This will enable regional language creation in the easiest way possible for millions of Koo users,” the statement said.
Twitter rival Koo announces ‘Talk to Type’ feature for Indian languages