WhatsApp is working on a number of features that will enable users to interact with the company. One of those features is Chat Threads. In the past, reports have talked about such a feature being in the works at the company. Now, a new report gives more details about it. WABetaInfo, the tipster that tracks development in the Facebook-owned messaging platform, says that WhatsApp has finally released the Chat Threads feature for specific beta testers on Android. This means that not all beta testers have access to this feature yet. If you are a beta test, you can verify if this feature is enabled for you by going to the Settings menu in WhatsApp and then tapping on the Contact Us option in the Help section. If you have got the access to the feature, you would see a dialogue box where you can type in your issue. You can also select if you want to give away technical details about your phone, such as your phone’s model and settings, to WhatsApp so that it is able to solve your queries better. Once you send the message, WhatsApp will start a Chat Thread that will appear in the main menu alongside your other chats. It will close once your query has been resolved. Windows 10 users can now access Microsoft Power Automate Desktop for free
Microsoft on Thursday announced that it was making its Power Automate Desktop solution for Windows 10 available to Windows 10 users in the country for free. The company’s low-code automation system allows businesses to automate certain tasks — especially repetitive and manual ones, as part of its Power Automate Service.
Running a business today involves a lot of constantly changing factors, some of them out of the control of those at the helm — such as the novel coronavirus pandemic. Performing manual tasks repetitively can impact employee productivity, according to the company. Power Automate Desktop for Windows 10 features a low-code Robotic Process Automate (RPA) application which essentially automates these tedious tasks and helps streamline workflows, the company said on Thursday. Microsoft’s Power Automate Desktop system allows companies to record actions such as mouse and keyboard clicks as part of the RPA solution that was first announced at Microsoft Ignite in 2019. Once a user has recorded those actions, they can be “re-played” repeatedly, on various applications like Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Excel and Sharepoint.