WhatsApp will finally add a long-awaited feature to the app with a new update. The instant messaging app will now let users add unwanted chats to the ‘Archived’ folder and the chats will now stay in the folder when new messages come in, instead of coming back to the top, out of the Archived folder.
The new feature will let users have more control over their inbox, along with more ways to organise their Archived folder. The feature will also let users stay clear of non-priority messages from clouding up the top of their chat list.
“We have heard that users want their archived messages to stay tucked away in the Archived Chats folder, instead of moving back into your main chat list when a new message arrives,” WhatsApp said in a statement, adding that “the new Archived Chats settings mean that any message thread that is archived will now stay in the Archived Chats folder, even if a new message is sent to that thread.”
“We know that not everything always needs to be front and centre for you. We want to make sure that WhatsApp remains a private and secure place where you can speak to the people who are most important to you and where you’re in control of your messages,” the company added.