Of the five pillars of Islam, Ramadan lasts the longest and is cherished deeply by Muslims all over the world. We as Muslims are expected to abstain from food, drinks and worldly engagements and desires while observing fasts. But is that all Ramadan is about? Definitely not! This is because even just the simple act of abstention makes manifest a wave of goodness that is hidden in us all.
We all must have felt it at one time or another that there is something about the spirit of Ramadan that makes us all come together as one Muslim Ummah. The whole month, there is an air of calm and serenity where people leave behind the sins of the past and try to do good that God Almighty expects of us. It is almost like turning over a new leaf. Each year, the month of Ramadan brings with itself a chance to begin again.
In addition to a new chance at life, the spirit of Ramadan is about forgiveness, taking care of each other and remembering the Almighty and a little more.
First and foremost, when we abstain from the worldly material needs and desires, it allows us to bond with Allah (SWT) much more easily. Since Ramadan was the holy month when the Quran was sent down to the Prophet (PBUH), this month holds significance not only for the Muslim Ummah all over the world but for Allah (SWT) who has hidden in the last 10 nights of the month a wonderful treasure – the night of Qadr.
The Prophet said: “Whoever fasted the month of Ramadan out of sincere Faith (i.e. belief) and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his past sins will be forgiven, and whoever stood for the prayers in the night of Qadr out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven”.
For this reason, the whole month of Ramadan, especially the last ten nights, is a great opportunity to reconnect with God Almighty: talk to Him, pray to Him and read His Quran with devotion and He will bring you closer to Him and grant you peace.
Abstention paves way for keeping a check on your actions and thoughts. In the month of Ramadan, police yourself and be polite towards others. It is sometimes easy to get frustrated but the spirit of Ramadan demands something otherwise. Muslims should keep their peace within themselves and with those they interact with because not only does God love those who fulfill their duty towards Him but He also loves those who abstain from wrongdoing and care for their duty towards their brethren.
Ramadan allows us to feel the pain of those brothers and sisters who live in poverty and cannot afford even the very basic human needs. One should remain conscientious of those around them and focus not on lavish Iftars for self but for those who deserve it most; a neighbor who has gone hungry, a beggar, a poor child, a hardworking poor man, anyone who you can help out, you should. It’s a month of sharing and if you can help even a single person out, the purpose of Ramadan is fulfilled.
So while fasting is the basis of the month of Ramadan, the spirit of Ramadan is much more than the mechanical act of abstaining from food and other desires. To reap the full rewards of Ramadan, one should keep in mind that it is a great time to reconnect with God, with our own self and with the community around us. In reaching back to these basics, we will find the true purpose of fasting and of this beautiful and holy month we so eagerly await.
The month of Ramadan is one of the most beloved and blessed months in the Islamic calendar. The rewards that a Muslim can reap are manifold and the chance to commit a sin decreased – because no barriers can exist between man and his Lord. The blessings of this month are countless and it is divided into three parts i.e. Ashra (of ten days each).
The three ashra of Ramadan each comes with its own sanctions and recompense: the first ashra is Rehmat which entails “Mercy of Allah”, the second is Maghfirah which involves the “Forgiveness of Allah“ and the third one is that of Najat meaning “Salvation”.
The month of Ramadan begins with the ashra that reflects abundance and blessings. It is indeed a beautiful start to this holy month.
In this ashra, one must seek mercy from the Lord, Who wants nothing more than to bless His Ummah with the glories of life and the Hereafter. A great way to enter the spirit of Ramadan is to extend the same kindness to other fellow Muslim brothers and sisters that Allah extends to us all.
The second phase of Ramadan is all about asking for forgiveness and peace from the Almighty Allah. Apologize to Him for the past mistakes, alter your deeds and forgive anyone who has wronged you. If Allah can forgive us for our sins and wrongdoings, then we too can extend this courtesy to our brethren who may have wronged us knowingly or unknowingly.
A Muslim should invoke God’s mercy and forgiveness throughout the second ashra via this dua:
“I ask forgiveness of my sins from Allah who is my Lord and I turn towards Him.”
Regarding the last ashra of the holy month, Hell fireUthman bin Abi Al’As has narrated that the Messenger (PBUH) of Allah said in a hadith:
“Fasting is a shield against the Hell Fire, same like the shield of any one of you in battle”. (Sunan Nasai 311:1)
When God has presented us Muslims with the opportunity to seek refuge Hellfire and wrath that we will have to face in the Hereafter, then it should be a privilege for us to accept this opportunity and do justice with it.
A prayer that should be said incessantly during this third and final ashra is: In addition to this, one of the most significant nights of the Islamic year is also hidden in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. It is the “Night of Power”, known as Laila tul Qadr, the night on which the Quran was revealed and which marked the beginning of the journey of the Prophet (PBUH) as a guide to the Muslim ummah.
“We sent it (Quran) down on a blessed Night. Verily, We are ever warning. Therein (in that Night) is decreed every matter of ordainment. Amran (i.e. a command or this Quran or His Decree of every matter) from Us. Verily, We are ever sending (the Messenger) (As) a Mercy from your Lord.”
(Quran 44: 3-6)
Not only does the last ashra protect us from the fires of hell, but it also offers an opportunity to start over. Another act to be done in this ashra is sitting on Itikaf and observe Nafl and pray to the Lord while distancing yourself from the worldly affairs and seek sanctuary from all that is evil, waiting for us in the Hereafter.
So utilize the opportunity this month brings with itself and create a stronger bond with Allah Almighty who is All-Merciful, All- Forgiving and Majestic.