A Delhi Court on Thursday, Aug 3, issued a summons to Olympic bronze medallist wrestler Bajrang Punia in a criminal defamation case filed by wrestling coach Naresh Dahiya. “I am of the prima facie view that all the ingredients of defamation are made out…..In view of the same, let accused, namely, Bajrang Punia be summoned for the commission of offence punishable under Section 499 read with Section 500 of the Indian Penal Code,” said metropolitan magistrate Yashdeep Chahal in his order. The court has directed Punia to appear before it on September 6. Dahiya had, through his advocate Sudhir Nagar, moved a criminal defamation complaint alleging that Punia, during the wrestlers’ protest on May 10, made certain defamatory remarks against him during a press conference held at Jantar Mantar. He had alleged that a malicious attack was made to tarnish his reputation as well as his credibility. The court while issuing the summons noted that the evidence placed before the court reveal that Punia had made a reference to an ongoing rape case against Dahiya in Tis Hazari Court and had stated that he has no credibility to oppose the protest.
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