I have almost been a regular at the event of the events, the famous Noor Amrohvi poetical extravaganza, the annual mushaira. Noor is a consummate artist. A little crazy like most artists, he gives out his best whatever the circumstances, wherever it may be and whenever it may be. Mian, hum na sudharenge. Every time he organizes a mushaira, a lot many poets and a lot many guests come to hear the poets. When all is done and everybody is gone, Noor finds time to mull over kya khoya kya paaya and finds he is a little poorer, finance wise, but surely not in experience, pleasure and wisdom. He takes tremendous joy in getting financial beating, year after year.

I don’t know how long he can afford to take that kind of joy. Chaliye, bahut rona dhona hua. Let us all salute Noor for whatever he has been doing for the community and for the fine world of poetry.

It is the fifth year of the Mushaira or Kavi Sammelan held under the auspices of Al Noor International. No doubt a memorable event. The hallmark of this year’s Kavi Sammelan was that reputed poets from India were invited. The local poets participated. It was very wise on the part of the management to separate this year’s Mushaira into two sessions. One was held on April 23 exclusively allocated to the local poets. A dinner was also hosted in honor of both the local and guest poets on this evening.
The second or the main part was held on April 24 which was in honor of the guest poets. It was held in a lavishly decorated spacious hall in Irving with a capacity of some 1000 guests to be accommodated. The hall was almost filled by the people who had come all the way in rainy evening to listen to the lyrics and poetic compositions of the famed poets from India.
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