Over 2,000 Delegates to Attend Convention From June 25th – 29th 2014
CHICAGO IL (TIP): Over 2,000 talented and dedicated physicians and families of Indian origin are expected to gather and deliberate on ways to enhance their own professional growth and identify ways to network and stay united and offer a unified voice to protect their rights as well as explore possibilities to give back to the society at the 32nd Annual Convention to be held from June 25th through June 29th 2014 at the Hyatt Hotel in San Antonio, Texas.
Describing the highlights of the convention, Dr. Jayesh Shah, President of AAPI said, “Nina Davuluri, the first ever Indian American to be crowned Miss USA will speak at AAPI Women’s Forum Session, while the live demonstration by world famous Chef Sanjay Thumma will quench your hunger thirst with tasty and healthy food. Aimed at continuing with the theme of “Be Fit and Be Cool,” the convention will have a unique Health walk from the Sunset Station.”
In addition, the convention will have an AAPI Bone Marrow Drive, latest MSRF/YPS exclusive programs, outstanding Plenary sessions and lively Bollywood entertainment by stars all the way from India, he added. Among the dignitaries who are expected to attend and address the delegates include Michelle Obama, the First Lady of USA, Governor Rick Perry of Texas, Julian Castro, Mayor of San Antonio, prominent US Congress men, Dr, Vivek Murthy, Nominee, US Surgeon General, and Narendra Modi– the main Opposition candidate in the upcoming Indian elections, who will address the delegates via satellite.
The CME program will provide updates in Diabetes, Lipids, Cardiology, Women’s Health, Psychiatry, Oncology, Pulmonary Medicine, Pain Management, and Maternal Fetal Medicine. Plenary Sessions will address select topics of common interest. The annual convention this year is being organized by AAPI’s Texas Chapter, headed by Dr. Vijay Koli. Elaborating on the efforts and preparations that have been devoted to put together this unique event, Dr. Koli, chairman of AAPI 2014 Annual Convention, said, “We have been working for more than a year in putting together an attractive program for our annual get together, educational activity and family enjoyment.
I and the Co-Chairs, Drs. Anupama Gotimukula, Rajam Ramamurthy, Hormazd Sanjana and Aruna Venkatesh are fortunate to have a dedicated team of convention committee members from San Antonio and surrounding areas helping us. We are expecting a record turnout and hence I would encourage early registration to avoid later disappointment.” “The preliminary program is in place, the major attractions include cutting-edge CME with renowned speakers, women’s forum, Alumni meetings, delicious ethnic cuisine, fashion shows, the best of the Bollywood entertainment with outstanding artists, and a Saturday ” Be Fit – Be Cool ” health-walk for the first time in AAPI history from historic Sun Set Station in San Antonio.” Dr. Shah elaborated.
“AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties. Sponsors will be able to take advantage of the many sponsorship packages at the 31st annual convention, creating high-powered exposure to the highly coveted demographic of AAPI’s membership,” Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, president-elect of AAPI noted. “Many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff.
The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decisionmaking process regarding new products and services,” Dr. Seema Jain, Vice President of AAPI, said. While explaining the many opportunities the convention offers to sponsors and advertisers, Vijay Koli said, “In addition to consumers of medical and pharmaceutical products, devices and equipment, practicerelated services, financial services, office supplies, etc., you will also meet senior members of management who influence the purchase of such services for hospitals, medical schools, and health care facilities. The AAPI Convention is where you can reach your target audience of several thousand under one roof.”
The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States. AAPI is an umbrella organization which has nearly 130 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. For over 30 years, Indian physicians have made significant contributions to health care in this country, not only practicing in inner cities, rural areas and peripheral communities but also at the top medical schools and other academic centers. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin. Headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, AAPI represents the interests of over 60,000 physicians and 15,000 medical students and residents of Indian heritage in the United States. AAPI, the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation, serves as an umbrella organization for over 160 professional associations. For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit: www.aapiconvention.org and www.aapiusa.org.
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