BJP victory in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh Assembly Elections Celebrated

Jagdish Sewhani, president American India Public Affairs Committee said that people of Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh have out rightly rejected the politics of casteism, appeasement of minorities and corruption

HICKSVILLE, NY (TIP): Indian American Community organized a grand victory celebration in Hicksville, Long Island on December 19.

Jagdish Sewhani, president American India Public Affairs Committee said that people of Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh have out rightly rejected the politics of casteism, appeasement of minorities and corruption.  They have endorsed good governance and voted for development. The proof is that the BJP has been re-elected for a record sixth time in Gujarat.  In Himachal Pradesh they have totally rejected corrupt Congress government and gave BJP a 2/3rd majority.

Sharing his personal story, Sewhani said when he was growing up in Gujarat, long hours of power cut were norm of the day. Every year there were riots, and workers went on strike. Ever since BJP has come to power they have changed the face of Gujarat. It is the most developed and industrial State of the country. It has set a gold standard of development in the country. Gujarat now has surplus power. It is now riots and strikes free. There is internet even in villages.

Women members of BJP celebrate victory of BJP in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections

Gujarat has reached this development because of a stable and powerful BJP government for nearly last two decades.

This is the Gujarat Model we need to follow. If we want a developed and powerful India – which is peaceful and strong – the vision of New India that honorable Prime Minister has envisioned, we need a stable and strong government in Delhi for at least for the next three decades.

BJP members celebrate victory

India is on its way to Congress Mukt Bharat. BJP/NDA is now in power in 19 states. The credit of victory goes to our dynamic Prime Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modiji, who in last 3 1/2 years has given clean government, set a standard for good governance. India is now marching ahead…. We do not want to be stopped.

As such we need to work in a mission mode for the 2019 general elections. Our objective should be not only to re-elect BJP, but also target 450 Lok Sabha seats and 50 percent of the popular votes. Such a strong mandate and popular government is essential to accelerate the pace of development march on the path of New India that we all dream of.

The vision of New India requires uninterrupted power to BJP and Modiji.

Modiji firmly believes in Politics of Development and Sab ka Sath and Sab Ka Vikas.

There was lot of excitement in the audience. They were again and again chanting Modi/Modi. The victory celebrations finally concluded with a new slogan of Modiji Jeetega Bhai Jeetega, Vikas Hee Jeetega.

(Press Release)

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