WASHINGTON (TIP): Two Indian American studentswill get a chance to work with lawmakers in America foreight weeks, as part of an internship program by CapitolHill. The internship has been announced by a ChicagobasedIndian American organization.All Indo-American college undergraduates and graduatesfrom Illinois, who are interested in public service and policymaking, can be part of the program, announced the Indo-American Community Services (IACS).
The selectedstudents will get the opportunity to do internship at theoffices of U.S. Senate and House lawmakers or in House andSenate leadership offices. Apart from this they will alsoreceive an amount of USD 1,500 from IACS, as stipend. “Thegoal of the Leadership Internship Program is to create acorps of young Indian American leaders with the skills,outlook and contacts necessary to generate and sustainpositive change in Washington DC and within their localcommunities,” IACS said in a statement.
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