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Consul General Prabhu Dayal Bids Adieu

NEW YORK (TIP): Retiring Consul General PrabhuDayal and his wife Chandini Dayal hosted a party onFebruary 15th at the Consulate of India to celebrate Mr.Dayal’s 60th birthday and to bid farewell to the couple’sfriends in New York.The event was graciously attended by many friends andassociates of the Consul General and his wife. Theattendees list included diplomats, highly distinguishedguests from both Indian and American community andmany family members.

The guests gathered and raised many toasts while theDayals cut a cake for Mr. Dayal’ birthday. An emotionalDayal thanked the gathering present for their relentlesssupport and encouragement that he had received duringhis tenure.”I am extremely grateful to the crowd before me andothers who couldn’t be present here. It was your continualand never ending support that made this entire time sojoyful.

I have served at many other places in the world. ButI can proudly say, East or West, New York is the best.”Esteemed guests made their way through the crowdedgathering to convey their wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Dayal.Some carried bouquets and gifts. Dr. Thomas and Ahujas ofthe worldwide organization of persons of Indian origin,GOPIO, presented a plaque to Mr. Dayal and a bouquet toMrs. Dayal.

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