WASHINGTON (TIP): In a bid to deterIran from acquiring nuclear weapons, theUS on Thursday warned Tehran of moresanctions and international isolations if itgoes ahead with the nuclear weaponspolicy.”We have been clear that the UnitedStates is determined to prevent Iran fromacquiring nuclear weapons and we havealso been clear that we believe there is stilltime to resolve this issue diplomatically,”White House Press Secretary Jay Carneytold reporters here on Thursday.
In the statement, Carney said that if Iranfails to address the concerns of theinternational community, it will face morepressure and become increasingly isolated.”We hope that the Iranian regime willmake the strategic decision to come to theFebruary 26 talks with the P-5-plus-1 inKazakhstan prepared to discuss substanceso there can be progress in addressing theinternational community’s concerns aboutthe nature of the Iranian nuclearprogram,” he added.”The burden of sanctions could be eased,but the onus is on Iran to turn its statedreadiness to negotiate into tangible action,”Carney said in response to a question.
Refusing to go into details of what theP5-plus-one will present to Iran in the talks,the US official said the US is ready to havea serious and substantive discussion.”Let’s allow the negotiators to do theirwork. We simply call on the Iranians toarrive at those talks with the intention ofhaving them be substantive and focused onthe issues that are of concern here to theinternational community,” Carney said.When asked about reports of Iran rollingout new atomic technologies, he said it’shardly a surprise that the actions taken byIran is a continuation of their refusal toabide by their international obligations.
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