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The Diwali Stamp is a “shining tribute to the celebration of multi-culturalism”: Syed Akbaruddin

Diwali Stamp is unveiled at the UN. Seen from left to right: Ravi Batra, Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin, Diwali Stamp Project Chair Ranju Batra, Acting President of UN General Assembly Mwaba Patricia Kasese-Bota, and Ambassador Andrei Dapkiunas of Belarus Photos/ Mohammed Jaffer-SnapsIndia

UNITED NATIONS (TIP): Over 20 countries, including two UN Security Council permanent members- France and the UK– have supported a dedication ceremony hosted by India to commemorate the release of a Diwali postage stamp by the US.

India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Syed Akbaruddin said at the event, December 5, that the Diwali Forever Stamp is a “shining tribute to the celebration of multi-culturalism”. Noting that Diwali was commemorated for the first time this year at the United Nations, Mr Akbaruddin said the celebration of Diwali at the world body is a reaffirmation of the foundational objectives of the UN Charter and its purposes and principles, which stand as a force for universal good.

“Though celebrated by different communities for different reasons, the essence of the (Diwali) celebration is the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness. Philosophically, the fight is not only external but also within oneself,” he said.

India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin said the celebration of Diwali at the world body is a reaffirmation of the foundational objectives of the UN Charter and its purposes and principles, which stand as a force for universal good.

The event lauded the efforts of Ranju Batra, Chair of the Diwali stamp project who spearheaded efforts for years to get the commemorative stamp issued, reaching out to the Indian-American community members and influential lawmakers, garnering support for the stamp.

Ranju Batra, Chair of the Diwali stamp project who spearheaded efforts for 7 years to get the commemorative stamp issued said: “Today’s celebration is not of a religion or of a nation but it is of the spirit of harmonious inclusiveness and cultural understanding that all religions deserve.”

“The tens of thousands of paper petitions (for the Diwali stamp) were signed not only by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists but also by Christians, Jews, Muslims and every other faith and culture,” Ms Batra said, expressing gratitude for the support she got in her journey to get the stamp issued.

Capping seven-year long efforts by the Indian-American community and influential US lawmakers, the US Postal Service (USPS) had issued the commemorative Diwali stamp to mark the festival of lights.

Over 170,000 Diwali stamps have been sold, making history by becoming the number one best-selling stamp in USPS history.

“Today’s celebration is not of a religion or of a nation but it is of the spirit of harmonious inclusiveness and cultural understanding that all religions deserve,” she said.

Air India team led by its Regional Manager Vandana Sharma (4th from the right) with Diwali Stamp and Batras. Also seen are Regional Finance Manager Sangeeta Singh (5th from right), and District Manager Mohan Kothekar(extreme right). In a rare gesture of good will for the Diwali project, Air India promoted the sale of Stamp in a big way by gifting 10 return tickets to India for the raffle.

Earlier, 20 nations had come together to support a special stamp dedication ceremony co-hosted by the Permanent Missions of India and Belarus.

Eminent Indian-American attorney Ravi Batra said the event has being supported and celebrated by 23 nations, of which “12 are Christian, one Jewish, six Muslim… 23 nations spread across the world are celebrating not only the Diwali stamp but celebrating hope itself”.

The 23 nations that supported the event include Armenia, Austria, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Honduras, Kuwait, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Ukraine, the UK and Vietnam.

The Diwali Forever Stamp was formally launched by the USPS on October 5 at the Indian Consulate, New York in the presence of a large number of Indian Americans, some, like Shiv Dass from New York and Sante Chary from Dallas, TX who had initiated efforts long ago to have the Diwali stamp issued. Another person who made an effort at getting the Diwali stamp issued but failed for lack of political support for the project, the Indiaspora founder MR Rangaswami flew in from California to see his one time dream being realized, albeit by someone else.

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney who played a pivotal role in having the stamp issued, as also Congresswoman Grace Meng who had co-sponsored the House Resolution with Carolyn Maloney were present. Ravi and Ranju Batra praised Congresswoman profusely for her support. It was said again and again that Diwali stamp could not have been issued without the strong political support provided by lawmakers, led by Carolyn Maloney.

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney’s absence from the UN event was rather intriguing. More intriguing was absence of any reference to her contribution in getting the Diwali Stamp issued. Reminds me of Shakespeare.

“But ’tis a common proof

That lowliness is young ambition’s ladder,

Whereto the climber upward turns his face.

But when he once attains the upmost round,

 He then unto the ladder turns his back,

Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees

By which he did ascend.”

(Julius Caesar Act 2, Scene 1)

A view of the gathering of the world at the UN
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