Enforced disappearances and extra judicial killings of workers in Pakistan

MQM workers protesting in Washington, July 30, 2017
  • MQM Holds Large Demonstration in front of White House

  • MQM Leader Altaf Hussain vows to continue the struggle for justice and rights for Muhajirs

WASHINGTON (TIP): MQM held a large demonstration, on July 30, in front of White House against para military operation to suppress Mohajirs, enforced disappearances and extra judicial killings of MQM workers in Karachi. The demonstration was attended by MQM Convener Nadeem Nusrat, members of Coordination Committee; office bearers along with large numbers of workers, supporters and members of Pakistani Diaspora from all walks of life, including ladies, elders and youth.

The demonstrators demanded that the Pakistani establishment should stop these cruel tactics of “unlawful kidnapping” of Mr. Hussain’s relatives in order to cause him to bow his head down, a wish of their which will never fulfill. They held banners and placards demanding US government to take notice of worst form of human rights Violations, Enforced Disappearances, Extra Judicial Killings, Inhumane Torture, Ban on Political and Social activities of MQM, Media Blackout of MQM’s Founder and Leader Altaf Hussain.

MQM’s Founder Altaf Hussain joined the participants via tele-conferencing and addressed the participants in a brief speech. In this address, he went on to condemn the role of Pakistan Army and ISI in Karachi, particularly against the Muhajir community. In his speech, he urged US government to play its role in stopping the genocide of Mohajirs and Baloch in Pakistan. Mr. Hussain said that US and international aid which Pakistan gets is being spent to nourish jihadi infrastructure in the country. The military and civilian aid to Pakistan should be made conditional on the human rights record of the country. He said that Mohajirs are looking towards US administration and Congress to help them in their struggle for an autonomous province in Pakistan. If the demand of a separate Mohajir province is not met by Pakistan then Mohajirs will decide their future line of action. Mr. Hussain said that Pakistan has become the epicenter of global terrorism. Supreme court took action against elected prime minister but can they take action against those who provided refuge to Osama bin Laden and other most wanted terrorists.

On this occasion, MQM’s Convener Nadeem Nusrat addressed the participants. In his address, he denounced the state oppression upon most liberal political force of Pakistan in strongest words possible, and went on to term is a Genocide upon innocent Muhajirs in Pakistan. He stated, that our Political Offices have been razed to the ground, dozens killed extra-judicially by the state, hundreds are missing, thousands are behind bars awaiting justice for crimes they didn’t even dare to commit. If this wasn’t enough, family of our Founder and Leader Mr. Altaf Hussain and Coordination Committee member Mustafa Azizabadi have been targeted. He went on to question, how long will the world allow Pakistan to carry-out such heinous acts against Mohajirs?

Furthermore, he elaborated that Nawaz Sharif has been convicted for his corruption, when will the army generals be convicted for their corruption, human rights violations, and for fostering and harboring jihadi terrorists.

The demonstrators vowed to continue raising their voices till justice is sought in Pakistan, and perpetrators of such deliberate Human Rights Violations are brought to justice.

(Based on a press release)


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