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Fire White Supremacists from the White House for Charlottesville incident, demands Jayapal

Fire individuals in the White House and Trump administration who have supported or encouraged support for white supremacists, Jayapal urges Trump

WASHINGTON (TIP): In the aftermath of the white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally and the domestic terrorist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia, Indian American Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal – joined by 31 members of Congress – introduced a resolution urging President Trump to strongly condemn white nationalists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and other hate groups responsible for the violence, and to remove from the White House and the Trump administration individuals, including Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka, who support white supremacists.

“When the president fails to swiftly condemn white supremacist terrorism, it’s imperative that Congress steps up and says clearly: Hate is not welcome, hate is un-American and we will strongly resist hate wherever it appears,” said Jayapal.

“White supremacy must be uprooted from our society, but the president has elevated white nationalists to the highest posts of government. It’s time to get these people out of the White House. Donald Trump must unequivocally condemn hate groups and remove from the administration individuals who espouse bigotry or support white supremacists,” Jayapal continued. “Enough is enough. The president needs to take decisive action.”

Jayapal’s resolution:

On Friday, Aug 11 night in Charlottesville, Virginia, white supremacists with tiki torches, rifles, and Confederate and swastika flags marched through the University of Virginia campus ahead of a “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday. Peaceful demonstrators gathered to protest this hate, but violence erupted. On Saturday, white supremacists and counter-protesters again gathered and a similar scene unfolded when, in an act of terrorism, a driver sped up and plowed his car into the crowd, killing one counter-protester and injuring 19. Two police officers monitoring the events in Charlottesville also died when their helicopter crashed.

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