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GOPIO lines up Events in conjunction with PBD 2015 and Vibrant Gujarat

NEW YORK (TIP): The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) will be holding a diaspora conference and banquet on 10th January, 2015 in Ahmedabad, India in conjunction with the annual Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD2015) being held in Ahmedabad, India (7th – 9th January, 2015) and Vibrant Gujarat being (11th -12th January 2015). This information was given out to The Indian Panorama by Ashook Ramsaran, GOPIO International President. “PBD2015 will mark the Centenary Year celebrations of the return of the greatest Pravasi of all, Mahatma Gandhi, from South Africa” and GOPIO joins in this fitting tribute and celebration.

GOPIO’s events are expected to garner maximum delegates among GOPIO membership and others attending PBD2015 and Vibrant Gujarat. The program will focus on “Indian Diaspora’s Connection and Partnership with India”, with emphasis on economic, social and cultural need and opportunities, as well as GOPIO Growth & Development: Diaspora & Migration Trends”. GOPIO’s Chief Guest invited is HE Hon. Donald Ramotar, President of Guyana who is Chief Guest at PBD21015, as well as officials of Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs and other ministries and states. Program details will be issued shortly.

There is an extra-ordinarily high level of euphoria excitement and anticipation of stronger partnership with India among worldwide Nonresident Indians (NRIs) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) with Hon. PM Narendra Modi and his mandate and agenda for reform. It is a unique time in the history of the partnership between India and its Diaspora with many opportunities to strengthen the relationship on several fronts: economic, social and cultural. As the premiere global advocacy Indian diaspora organization representing the interests and concerns of NRIs and PIOs, GOPIO looks forward and supports more progress to strengthen the partnership between India and its Diaspora. GOPIO’s efforts continue to highlight the enormous successes and contributions of the Indian diaspora globally. For more information, please contact GOPIO International at +1-818-708-3885, Email:

GOPIO is a non-partisan, nonsectarian global organization formed in 1989 and has chapters in several countries, actively promoting the interests of people of Indian origin worldwide by monitoring and addressing current critical issues of concern, and by enhancing cooperation and communication between groups of Indians living in various countries

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