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H.H. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj brings Meditation to its Spiritual Roots

AMITYVILLE, NY (TIP): H.H. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj brought his message of transformation through meditation to the metro New York region on Labor Day Weekend, August 31 – September 2, 2102. His talks and meditations drew many thousands not only from the East Coast but also from other parts of the country, Europe, Africa, and South America.

Beginning with a Hindi talk on Friday night before an audience of over two thousand people at the Science of Spirituality Center in Amityville, drawing three thousand to Washington Heights on Saturday night with a discourse simultaneously translated into Spanish, and returning to the Amityville Center on Sunday for a major talk to another overflow crowd of thousands, the weekend was a nonstop feast of spirituality.
Frequent meditations gave everyone a chance to practice the technique the spiritual Master teaches: meditation on the inner Light.

Honored throughout the world for his work toward peace through human unity and spirituality, the spiritual Master continued to receive tributes for this selfless work from dignitaries in New York. Saturday evening at the United Palace Theater in Washington Heights, speaking before a packed house, NY State Senator Adriano Espaillat, 31st District, read a proclamation from the NY State Legislature praising Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj for “his tireless work and creative genius which are testament to the life he singlehandedly breathes into the global human unity movement.

” Chairman of the United States House Committee on Homeland Security, Representative Peter T. King sent a Citation that was read prior to the spiritual Master’s Sunday talk. Tributes followed from NY State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, NYC Comptroller John Liu, and one each from Nassau and Suffolk County Executives Edward Mangano and Steven Bellone.

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj’s talk highlighted the program, focusing on meditation as a vehicle for self discovery and God realization. Mentioning the physical benefits of meditation, such as stress relief, he said these are by-products of meditation. The real benefit is contacting the spark of the divine within each of us. His non-stop schedule included Sunday print media and electronic interviews on Southeast Indian TV.

These will be broadcast to millions worldwide on Sahara One, TV Asia, ITV Gold, and Get Punjabi. The spiritual Master will leave for India later this week where he will preside over the 20th Global Conference on Mysticism, to be held in Delhi from September 13 through 20. For more information about His Holiness Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj and his schedule, call 800.222.2207 or visit
(Press Release issued by Renee Lobo)

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