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IDC Honors Indian Soldiers on Armistice Day, 11 November 2018 in France

Ashook Ramsaran with Lavanti Mayor Hon. Jean-Philippe Boonaert

NEW YORK(TIP): On the November 11, 2018, the centennial of the Armistice ending World War 1, members of the Indian Diaspora Council International(IDC) led by IDC president Mr. Ashook Ramsaranof New York, USA, participated in the inauguration of a specially designed monument at Laventi, France, to honour and pay homage to Indian soldiers killed in Europe fighting in World War 1 fighting in Europe. Ramsaran was ably assisted by Mr. Samarassame Taniga, president of IDC France.

The monument was inaugurated on November 11 at 11 :11 :11 at Laventie, France.

This ceremony at Laventi was preceded by a wreath laying ceremony at Neuve Chapelle, France where a special monument has been erected to honour of fallen Indian solider were members of the Garhwal Rifles regiment of the Himalayan region. This regiment lost nearly 700 soldiers during World War I.

IDC collaborated with and supported Interfaith Shaheedi Commémoration Association (IFSCA) headed by Mr. Ramesh Vohra, in the design, construction and dedication of this monument at Levanti.

Ashook Ramsaran laving the wreath at Lavanti, France – November 11, 2011

The Mayor of the town of Lavanti, Hon. Jean-Philippe Boonaert, warmly welcomed everyone and presided at the dedication of the monument. The municipality and veterans of France provided a warm welcome with marching band, a special celebratory mass in nearby church of St. Vaast and refereshments.

IDC collaborated with and supported Interfaith Shaheedi Commémoration Association (IFSCA) in the construction and dedication of this monument at Levanti. IFSCA is headed by Mr. Ramesh Vohra.

This ceremony at Laventi was preceded by a wreath laying ceremony at Neuve Chapelle, France where a special monument has been erected to honour of fallen Indian solider were members of the Garhwal Rifles regiment of the Himalayan region. This regiment lost nearly 700 soldiers during World War I.

“The Indian Army during World War I contributed a large number of divisions and independent brigades to the European, Mediterranean and the Middle East theatres of war in World War I. Over one million Indian troops served overseas, of whom 62,000 died and another 67,000 were wounded. In total at least 74,187 Indian soldiers died during the war. Of the 130,000 Indians who served in France and Belgium, almost 9,000 died”–

 World War I (1914-1918) ended at 11 a.m. on 11 November 1918 with the signing of the armistice between the Allies and Germany. It established the reputation of Indian soldiers for their bravery, courage and sacrifice.

Around 1.3 million soldiers from India participated in World War I (1914-1918). Among them, 140,000 Indian soldiers were sent to France. They were Sikhs, Punjabis and Gurkhas who came to strengthen the British army to defend freedom and liberty in France against invasion.  They were soldiers from different ethnic, linguistic and religious backgrounds. The Indians troops were mobilized on August 8, 1914 at the request of London without even getting any approval from the parliament of New Delhi. At that time, India was under British rule.

The Indian soldiers left the port of Bombay and landed at Marseille in France on September 26, 1914. They were immediately sent on the North front so as to help the French and Belgian soldiers to fight against the Germans. They were dressed in simple light cottons uniforms, which were far too light to face the extreme winter of North of France. They were having frozen feet, pneumonia and life in the muddy trenches was very hard to bear for the Indians who were not used to this climate. In 1914 and 1915, the Indian soldiers were engaged in the various fights.

At Neuve Chapelle, Lavantie and Givenchy, they helped in the British offensive against the Germans. The Indian troops suffered a lot and only during that period 4047 Indians were recorded in the British casualty sheet.  This tragedy and sacrifice of these soldiers is well related in a film “Farewell My Indian Soldier“of an Indian filmmaker and novelist based in Paris, Vijay Singh. The soldiers wrote about their experiences in around 600 letters when they were in hospitals, records of which are maintained in the Haryana Academy of Art and Culture. “Soldiers used to send one rupee from their monthly salary to the academy, which went towards education of students,” says the filmmaker.

As World War I was coming to its end, the Indian soldiers participated in the procession of the Bastille Day on July 14, 1916 in Paris.

On October 07, 1927, The Memorial of Neuve Chapelle was inaugurated in the presence of Marshal Ferdinand Foch to honor the memory of Indian soldiers who died in France during World War I. On a wall, 4847 names of the soldiers are engraved, in alphabetical order and by combat unit. In the center of the memorial, one can read “In honor of the Indian Army who fought in France and Belgium, 1914-1918, and to perpetuate the memory of the soldiers whose names are engraved here.”

 On April 11, 2015, Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi was the first and only Indian Prime Minister to have travelled to the memorial of Neuve-Chapelle to pay tribute to the 10 000 brave Indian soldiers who died during the First World War and who never returned back to their home. “I am honoured to pay homage to the Indian soldiers here at the Indian Memorial at Neuve Chappelle. Our soldiers who fought in foreign lands in the Great War, have won the admiration of the world for dedication, loyalty, courage and sacrifice. I salute them. ” said PM Modi.

 For more information contact: Ashook Ramsaran at          Mobile (USA) +1 917 519 5783

Indian Diaspora Council International (IDC), established in 1997, is   an international non-profit organization with global affiliates and membership in 21 countries with the objective to embrace, engage, and enhance the shared heritage, aspirations, and interests of persons of Indian origin with optimum inclusivity.


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