I.S. Saluja

Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modiarrives in New York today, September 26, on afive day visit to USA. His visit, the first asPrime Minister, is being viewed as a powerful push to ensure the relationship between the two democracies of the world acquires genuine warmth, which, over the last few years, hasnoticeably been on the decline.

Only for a brief period, during the Prime Ministership of Atal Behari Vajpayee, the relationship really warmed up but again, over the years, there have been many hiccups inspite of the loud protestations of “strategic relationship and partnership”.The question which every Indian Americanis asking is : “Will Modi’s visit bring about achange in the US perception of India and createconditions for a genuine friendly relationship,realizing equal partnership and based onmutual respect.In order to obtain a perspective, I spoke withone of the best known Indian Americans, asuccessful and eminent Attorney, Ravi Batra,who has considerable inroads in to the mainstream politics and is familiar with thethinking of US lawmakers, being friendly withquite a few of them.


” It would well serve India to make regulardeposits of goodwill in the generational Bank of Goodwill, such as the one that exists betweenUS and England. I wish to see India see UnitedStates as its inseparable nation-partner”.Another one.” Just remember that United States and India are destined to be joined at the geo-political and economic hip, even as ourpeople share the identical Dream.”Yet another. “Every relationship between living breathing people has irritants. Same istrue of nations. But to define the US-Indiarelationship from the irritant-lens is bothinaccurate and offensive. India and USA are “onthe same page” more often than not. But everyelection, here or elsewhere, gives a turbo-boostin a longstanding relationship, such that itexperiences a honeymoon period again andagain. It’s the Honeymoon period now.”And, finally, this. Be honorable and loyalCitizens of the United States, and continue toreach for the stars – and become worthy ofbeing included in pictures, rather than askingto be in one!

Here is the full interview.

Q. What factors have dominated andgoverned the relationship between India andUSA?

USA?People and governments, and the near-law ofphysics when applied to geopolitics.You must remember that the Americanpeople have loved India all the way back toVasco Da Gama and Christopher Columbus – it’sin America’s soul at birth – this India-love thing.Then came Mahatma Gandhi – a love object ofall humanity, even as governments abhorredhim as a pain without equal. The recent post-Cold War relationship has been economicallydriven, rather than strategically, for Pakistanwas much better located as a buffer to the oldSoviets. The recent IT revolution, however, andIndia’s youthful citizenry has made India,previously known as a “Golden Sparrow” morelike a “Golden Falcon” to the great AmericanBald Eagle – I take some pleasure in that nameand description. Remember now that the young1.3 billion Indians can add value to everynation’s bottom line, even as they produce, andconsume goods and services from across theglobe.

Q. How far the initial Socialistic character ofIndia in the first 40 years of IndependentIndia has been responsible for distancingbetween India and USA?

Well, systems come and go, as do strategicalliances. Communism has been discreditedwithout doubt. Capitalism, while it has its faults,has been proven to be the best engine of growthand development. Now, the environmentalistswould argue that development and growth arethemselves the enemy – I disagree. Even to arrestclimate change, we need development of the”green” variety, flying on the wings ofcapitalism. But to answer your question directly,United States which pushed Britain to let Indiabecome free wasn’t happy with the old Soviet-India connection. Glad, that is over. Now, likePresident Obama in his GA speech onWednesday, I look forward to Russia, having”absorbed” Crimea, will return into the fold andbehave in a law-respectful way rather than a PacMan of others’ sovereignty. With Obamapresiding over the Security Council, Russiavoted with everyone to overcome the evil of ISIS.

Q. In International politics, what have beenthe expectations of US from India and viceversa and how far have these been fulfilled?

United States expects India to be one of ourcloset allies, without trying to get the best dealin every transaction every time. It would wellserve India to make regular deposits of goodwill in the generational Bank of Goodwill,such as the one that exists between US andEngland. I wish to see India see United States asits inseparable nation-partner.As for India, I am not qualified to answer.

Q. What have been the significant convergingpoints in the relationship between the twocountries?

Civilizations that value culture, education,family, education, hard work, and separation ofchurch and state. And then there was terror:9/11 and 26/11.We are joined at the hip in thefight against terror.

Q. What have been the major discordant notesin the relationship?

India has had to change its dance partnerafter the collapse of the Soviet Union, and riseof extremism. Sometimes, we in the UnitedStates have not treated India with sufficientrespect, such that it bordered on downrightinsult.

Q. Can you identify some highs and lows in therelationship between the two countries,clearly analyzing the causes?

President Bush gave India the Civil Nucleardeal, even as India bought its nuclear powerplants from France and Russia – not nice, nomatter the price differential.While clearly not as important, KrittikaBiswas and Devyani Khobragade to name twoevents. Obviously, had the Indian citizenry notgotten emotionally involved, these casesbelonged in the minor item category. Krittikawill be remembered for America setting thingsright, due to our great independent judiciary.Devyani has now been resolved – I happilypushed the nice Ambassador. Nancy Powellinto early retirement for her apparentobstruction of Indian laws. And PresidentObama has given us – all of us – the highesthonor of appointing an Indian-American asour ambassador to India; this exceedsappointing the now-legendary Preet Bharara asSDNY US Attorney and Sri Srinivasan as afederal Circuit Judge.Wow. This is the “feelgood” stuff. There is so much more on agovernment-to-government basis that securesIndia’s safety.Just remember that United States and Indiaare destined to be joined at the geo-political andeconomic hip, even as our people share theidentical Dream.

Q. How far do you think the significantly largepresence of people of Indian origin serving inimportant areas like medical services and IThas influenced US attitude towards India?

Well, being around hardworking people doinggood for many is always goodwill causing. Byand large, our Indian-American doctors havegreat bedside manners beyond their dedicationand smarts. Our folks in the IT section ofsociety have become a brand – that’s how cool itis. Being of Indian blood makes youautomatically IT brilliant.Well, I’m anexception now – for I need kids help to programanything.

Q. Do you think US will give in to India’sdemands on H1 B visa and other concessionswith respect to immigration, desired by India?

We should, for its good for the Americaneconomy. But, “immigration” is a near-Thirdrail of national politics, as many Americanshave not recovered from the Great Recessionand see immigrants, legal and illegal, as jobeating,when H1B are highly skilled andunavailable in United States.When emotionsget married with politics, don’t expect reason torule.Q. Another concern of India is US support toPakistan? Do you think US will do somethingto change its policy towards Pakistan, toplacate India?United States owes Pakistan for its loyaltyduring the 50 odd years of the Cold War. Thatwe need exit routes or entry routes, as the casemay be, for Afghanistan and such only serves toremind that Pakistan needs to be treated better.I think we should support Pakistan-India opentradeso that open people-exchange can followin a decade or so. It is not right that people whoshare near-identical culture have had wars andgovernments have sowed distrust when theoverwhelming commonality should be a jointasset.We need to improve everyday Pakistani’slife, if we want to ever live free of local terror.Then, we ought to do so world-wide, to be reallyfree of terror.We need everyone to be living theAmerican Dream, when merit rules, so peace isas durable as the Pax Romana was.

Q. India’s overtures towards Japan and Chinaand its involvement in BRICS have beingviewed with suspicion by US . What can Indiado to remove this suspicion?

BRICS were intended to cause suspicion, andhence, drive up the price for India and other BRICS nations. Of course, it was also a sort ofNAFTA across the air and sea among suchnations.

Q. Do you think, US will act fast to acceleratethe process of reform of the Security Council,whereby seating India on the Council?

The world order is based upon the P5 powersharing.That is the true geo-political axis that193 nations revolve around and exist with. It’sas real as the Sun in the sky. Yes, reforms areneeded, and Germany, Japan, India and SouthAfrica fantasize most about them. Ask me thisquestion in 25 years, and let’s see if it’s stillrelevant – as I suspect it will be.

Q. Do you think Mr. Modi ‘s visit to US willgive new momentum to India- US relations ,given the fact that there are quite a fewirritants in their relationship?

Every relationship between living breathingpeople has irritants. Same is true of nations.But to define the US-India relationship from theirritant-lens is both inaccurate and offensive.India and USA are “on the same page” moreoften than not. But every election, here orelsewhere, gives a turbo-boost in a longstandingrelationship, such that it experiences ahoneymoon period again and again. It’s theHoneymoon period now.

Q . What would be your suggestions to the twocountries to strengthen their relations?

Whatare the areas where the two can cooperate?Don’t do stupid stuff, like Devyani; for itmasks and overshadows tons of good stuffbetween the two nations that occur no matterwho governs in either capitol. Aside foravoiding an intended insult that Devyani was,avoid the unintended insult.During the official US/India RoundtableDiscussion in July 2014 held under theCongressional Dome to which my wife, Ranjuand I were independently invited to, I hadbluntly given my love potion: Respectful Reset,even as the “Reset,” between us and Russiadidn’t do so well. India and United States arenow a grown-up relationship, and discord needsnever to enter the public domain. Period.

Q. What, do you think, the Indian Americancommunity should do to promote the processof strengthening of relations?

Be honorable and loyal Citizens of the UnitedStates, and continue to reach for the stars – andbecome worthy of being included in pictures,rather than asking to be in one!
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