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Mayor Bill de Blasio signs legislation to create MUNICIPAL ID CARD

ID card to provide thousands of New Yorkers access to core City service
City to waive application fee for first-year applicants

NEW YORK CITY (TIP): Mayor Bill de Blasio signed , Thursday, July 10, legislation to create a municipal ID card for all New York City residents. The legislation paves the way for the creation of a municipal ID for all residents of the five boroughs who meet the program’s proof of identity and city residency requirements. The City will immediately initiate implementation of the program, with the goal of launching the new identification card in January 2015. The Mayor also announced today that the card will be issued at no cost for applicants during the program’s first year.

“We cannot accept a city where some of our residents are forced to live fearfully in the shadows, unable to visit their child’s school or sign a lease. Today, this legislation will begin to provide New Yorkers with the dignity and peace of mind they deserve,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “This bill has become reality because community activists and organizers worked tirelessly to make this day happen. I want to thank the City Council, including Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, and City Council Members Danny Dromm and Carlos Menchaca for their incredible leadership in helping all our city’s residents attain the identification they deserve.”

“From our earliest days, New York City has been a beacon of hope and optimism, and today we are continuing to build that legacy,” said City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. “This new ID card is more than a means of identification-it is upholding the promise of acceptance and opportunity we make to one another as New Yorkers. I thank Council Member Dromm, Council Member Menchaca, my Council colleagues, and Mayor de Blasio for their strong support, and I am proud to be here today as we sign this landmark legislation to create a more fair and just city that is inclusive of all New Yorkers.”

“Today’s bill signing is a transformative moment in the history of this city.With this law, New Yorkers will have access to the largest municipal identification program in the country, and will have increased access to the rights and privileges afforded to them as members of our city. This identification program is real celebration of the diversity of this city, and a commitment to the protectionand inclusion-of all. I am proud today to be a member of this Council, and a resident of this great city,” said Council Member Carlos Menchaca, Chair of the Committee on Immigration.

“Today is a historic day,” said Council Member Daniel Dromm. “I thank Mayor de Blasio, Speaker Mark-Viverito, Council Member Menchaca, my fellow Council colleagues, and the many advocates and supporters who helped make the municipal ID a reality. This new form of identification will make our city even more inclusive. It is certain to become the must-have accessory for all New Yorkers.” “Today is a great day for all New Yorkers,” said Council Member Julissa Ferreras, Chair of the Committee on Finance.

“Our great city has long celebrated its heritage as a gateway to the American dream for so many people who leave their homeland in search of a better way of life. Mayor de Blasio’s signing of the municipal ID bill marks a great stride toward helping all undocumented residents achieve this dream. As the daughter of immigrants, I am proud to see a day where thousands of our undocumented residents will no longer have to live in the shadows, fearing to come forward to receive the many public benefits our great City has to offer.

I applaud Mayor de Blasio and my colleagues in the City Council for championing this piece of legislation. Our collective efforts have, at long last, paved the way to equal access of safe and secure identification amongst all New Yorkers, regardless of their immigration status.” Municipal ID will be an accessible and safe document that will ensure access to City services and grant admission to all municipal buildings. The City is also working toward having the ID be recognized by banks, as well as connecting the ID with stores, restaurants, cultural institutions, discounts and other incentive programs.

The City will continue to expand and improve upon the municipal ID card program and benefits after the launch date. To ensure broad and easy accessibility, the City will establish walk-in enrollment centers in trusted community institutions around the boroughs, and will post the application online for applicants to complete it prior to visiting a walk-in center. In addition, the City will create mobile enrollment units that can travel to neighborhoods that do not have walk-in centers.

The City will also ensure that the outreach and application processes are accessible to people with limited English proficiency and people with disabilities. The City will protect the confidentiality of all municipal ID card applications, and will not ask applicants about their immigration status.

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