Indian American store clerk Mandeep Singh shot dead in Georgia by teens

Mandeep Singh, 36 died on the spot after being shot by two 15-year-old boys in what appeared to be a case of armed robbery

AUGUSTA, GA (TIP):  An Indian American convenience store clerk died on the spot after being shot by two 15-year-old boys in what appeared to be a case of armed robbery according to police. Two teenagers have been taken into custody after the shooting.
Mandeep Singh, 36, of Rosier Road in Augusta, GA, was pronounced dead at the scene after being struck twice by gunfire on June 28 at Wrens Food Mart, also known as Jackie’s, located at 504 Highway 80 in East Wrens, according to local media reports.
Ricky, as Singh was known as, had been working at the store for less than one month, the Augusta Chronicle reported citing Wrens Police Chief John Maynard. The two juveniles entered the store around 8:35 pm Wednesday evening.

“It appeared to be an armed robbery to start with, and at some point shots were fired and the clerk was deceased,” Maynard said. The store had security cameras and Maynard said that juveniles were not wearing masks or obscuring their faces during the incident, which made it easy for the police to identify them.
“They walked in, maybe five seconds was spent looking at a shelf. It was clear what they came to do,” Maynard said. “Within two hours we had them identified. Within four hours we had the first suspect picked up. And in just over eight hours we had both of them in custody.” “That rarely happens, but I think our citizens are sending a clear message that they are tired of this. We are following up on other leads as to why this took place,” Maynard said.
Due to the age of the offenders, names and photos cannot be released at this time, Wrens Police said. The Jefferson County Coroner’s Office confirmed that Singh’s body was being transported to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation crime lab.
Meanwhile, Singh’s wife Dimple Kaur has organized a fundraiser on GoFundMe to help his family deal with this tragedy. To date $20,940 has been raised of $200,000 goal.
“Hi, I am Dimple and I am fundraising for the family of Ricky (Mandeep) Singh. Just recently. Ricky was brutally killed in a tragic and horrible situation which left everyone devastated.
“This situation was hard on his family members especially his wife and mother as he was their sole support. As his family member, Ricky was a great person, always there to help everyone no matter what. He was a genuine soul with an unforgettable personality,” she wrote. “We are requesting donations to help his family deal with this tragedy. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a significant difference in helping the family cope with expenses, such as funeral costs and ongoing living expenses.
“Together, we can offer support and solidarity to Ricky Singh’s family, providing them with the strength they need to navigate this tragic loss,” Kaur wrote.

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