NEW YORK (TIP): Jmmy Fallon ruffles Donald Trump‘s hair and everyone giggles while he thanks himself for putting an end to the “birther movement” and lying about who started it and making yet another veiled threat at Hillary Clinton.
Are you serious? Why does no one hold any of them accountable for the vile things they say? We just roll our eyes and let them get away with it.
Yes, we all are sick of Washington too.
I’m tired of them all squabbling like children and making sweet deals for themselves, but Donald Trump is not the solution. I don’t care about his policy ideas or his tax plan. I don’t care that he isn’t a politician. I don’t care about his businesses. I don’t care about his health. I care about the way he treats people who are already marginalized in our society.
All Trump does is breed hatred and divisiveness and his children are just as awful as him.
Forget for a moment Hillary Clinton’s remark the other day that “half” of Trump’s supporters belong to a “basket of deplorables.” The Democrat later expressed regret for the broad generalization but stuck to her assertion that Trump offers a safe haven for the hateful.
There is no perfect way to quantify how many Trump fans fit the description.
Trump has taken a hard line against immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally from Mexico. When he launched his campaign last year, he characterized most as violent criminals, allowing only that “some” might be “good people.”
Trump also has promised to make Mexico pay for completion of a border wall separating the two countries.
The New York businessman cited that proposal a few months ago when he asserted that a federal judge hearing a civil suit involving the now-defunct Trump University was biased because of his Mexican heritage.
It strikes me, though, that Trump, whether he means to or not, has fostered a hostile moment in our politics when his supporters feel entitled to racially denigrate others.
There are not two sides to racism.
(Source: From The Social Media – Facebook)
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