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Move On calls for Ban on Assault Weapons

WASHINGTON (TIP): The massacre in Orlando has shaken us all to the core. While the world has responded with an incredible outpouring of love and solidarity, too many members of Congress are offering only thoughts and prayers — but withholding meaningful action, like a ban on weapons of war.

It’s a no brainer if there ever was one. And now a new petition at MoveOn is going viral fast, with hundreds of thousands of us across the US calling on Congress to honor the victims of Orlando — with common sense, lifesaving action.

This weekend 50 people were killed in another devastating mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando. As the news continues to peel back the layers of this terrible, tragic shooting and we grieve and mourn with Orlando and the broader LGBTQ community, we must act now for common sense gun laws and to ban assault weapons. We must stop these mass shootings from tearing apart our communities.

Orlando. Sandy Hook. San Bernardino. Aurora.

What do these horrific shootings have in common? The AR-15. This assault weapon was used to murder at least 50 people in Orlando, 26 people in Sandy Hook, 14 people in San Bernardino, and 12 people in Aurora.

Right now, such a mass-killing weapon is available for purchase on-line, at trade shows, and at neighborhood brokers across our nation. The AR-15 and assault weapons like it have no place in our cities and towns. They have no place on our streets.

We need to ban all assault weapons now and enact other commonsense gun reform.

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