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Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation Gala on Oct 28

The Board Meeting on October 17. Sitting (L TO R): Inesha Joneja, Ashi Chhabra, Shammi Singh, Tina Shah and Rohini Singh Standing (L TO R): Inder Bindra, Nilesh Mehta, MD, Zinda Singh, Gurdip Singh Narula, Sher Singh Madra, Peter Bheddah, Andy Mansukhani, Shudh Parkash Singh, Rahul Singh Thakur and Hussain Baqueri

Sam Pitroda, Kanak Golia Dr. Urmilesh Arya, Dr. Himanshu Pandya, Sher Singh Madra, Dr. Manjit Bains  to be honored

LONG ISLAND , NY(TIP): The Board of Directors of Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation met, October 17,  to finalize arrangements for the forthcoming Gala on October 28.

Mr. Inder Bindra, a Founder Member of the Foundation, said that all members of the Foundation were a family, and , as in a family, there may be differences at times, but ultimately, they all get together; in the same way, not all members may have the same view , but then a consensus needs to be built up for the smooth going together.

Mr. Bindra briefly described the past projects that the Foundation had done and spoke of some projects in hand which, he said, will be taken up .

The Treasurer Mr. Gurdip Singh Narula added that an amount of $10,000 was recently given for Kerala Flood Relief. He also disclosed that he, too, is a cancer survivor. In 1998, it was discovered that he suffered from cancer, but fortunately for him, it was treated in time.

Mrs. Shammi Singh who is a cancer survivor, spoke of her commitment to do all she can to provide for treatment to cancer patients. She said she knew now how terrible the disease is and how it destroys not only the patient but the entire family. She has involved her daughter Inesha Joneja and daughter in law Rohini Singh in the Foundation’s crusade against cancer.

Speaking on the occasion, a former President Mr. Sher Singh Madra mentioned the ongoing project of supporting Indore Cancer Foundation which has been receiving grants  for buying equipment in the hospital. He said the entire board is committed to fulfilling the vision of Nargis Dutt of providing the best treatment to underprivileged and the poor cancer patients in India. Besides, Dr. Dharkar of the Indore Cancer Foundation requested for a hospice care , and the Foundation is considering the request.

Another former President Mr. Peter Bheddah said that in the more than 3 decades of Foundation’s history, a number of projects were taken up with a number of institutions, which included prestigious Tata Cancer Institute. It is a long list, he said.

Others who spoke included Ms Ashi Chhabra ,Mr. Shudh Prakash Singh, Mr. Zinda Singh, Ms. Tina Shah , General Secretary Mr. Hussain Baquery, Mr. Rahul, who described his mother’s encounter with cancer,  and how it developed in him empathy for cancer patients, and Ms Inesha Joneja.

Mr. Andy Mansukhani, President of the Foundation, presided, and  expressed the hope that gala will bring in enough funds.

Ms Rohini Singh briefed the media on the gala on October 28. Apart from honoring 6 eminent personalities, the gala attractions include a Fashion Show by  Rana Noman, an award winning fashion designer. 20 female and 5 male models are taking part in the fashion show, which, Ms Singh claimed will simply be awesome. The theme, she said, is “The Great Gatsby”.

Another attraction is a tribute to Nargis Dutt in the form of  a medley of songs and dances from the films in which Nargis Dutt appeared.

An auction is also a part of the program.

Sam Pitroda who is an honoree, is also the chief guest. The other honorees includeKanak Golia Dr. Urmilesh Arya, Dr. Himanshu Pandya, Sher Singh Madra, and Dr. Manjit Bains.

Former Member of Parliament Ms Priya Dutt, daughter of Nargis Dutt will be attending.

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