NEW YORK, NY (TIP): U.S.Congresswomen Carolyn Maloneyand Grace Meng will be joined byRanju Batra, President of theAssociation of Indians in America-NY February 2 at a press conferenceannouncing the introduction of aHouse Resolution calling for theissue of a United States PostalService stamp to commemorate thefestival of Diwali. The pressconference will rally grass-rootssupport to press the Citizens StampAdvisory Commission of the U.S.Postal Service to issue a postagestamp to honor Diwali, the “festivalof lights” observed by Hindus, Sikhs,Christians, Jains, and Buddhists inIndia, the United States, and aroundthe world.
Congresswoman Carolyn Maloneyintroduced HR 47 on January 25th ofthis year to urge the Citizens’ StampAdvisory Committee, an entity ofthe United States Postal Service, toissue a commemorative stamp inhonor of the holiday of Diwali. Theresolution is co-sponsored by Indian-American Congressman Ami Bera(CA-07), and by CongresswomanGrace Meng of New York’s 6thdistrict who, like Rep. Maloney,represents a substantial South Asianpopulation. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) has also co-sponsored the HouseResolution.
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