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SAPAC 2013 Annual Lunch Meet Promises Attendance of Political Elite

HICKSVILLE, NY (TIP): The South Asian -American Political Action Committee, better known as SAPAC, was founded by a community and political activist Zahid Syed with the avowed objective of educating the large South Asian community on politics and government and preparing them to play an active role in the mainstream politics. In order to realize its objective, SAPAC brings together the community and political and civic leaders together on various occasions when they network and interact. However, the most important of these events is the annual lunch which is usually attended by political elite of New York State. SAPAC annual lunch has the honor and exception of being the rarest of rare events of South Asian Community where US Congressmen, State Senators, Assemblymen, County officials, Town Supervisors, District Attorney and many more politicians of various hues can be found interacting with the community. Over the years, this annual lunch has become a must attend event of the South Asian Community with who’s who of Politicians, Officials , Businessmen & Community Leaders networking and discussing issues important to the community.

When asked to highlight some of the achievements of SAPAC, Zahid Syed, its Chairman said “SAPAC has played an instrumental & vital link in highlighting as well as getting addressed some of the very important issues facing our South Asian Community, by the elected officials. We have got representation for the community on different boards, forums and agencies. We have also been successful in getting jobs for a number of our South Asian brothers and sisters”. “But our biggest achievement, what I think is that we have spread awareness about need for political representation in the election process for the South Asian Community and hence seeing so many candidates with South Asian background running for different elected offices”, commented Zahid when asked what he considers SAPAC’s biggest achievement. “We help to ensure a candidate’s success through financial help and getting them votes as well volunteers”, said Zahid. SAPAC has undoubtedly established itself as one of the highly successful community mobilization machines, through fundraisers with votes to the right candidates, who are attentive to the cause of South Asian community. “This wouldn’t have been possible without the help of our friends and supporters”, concluded Zahid. The next annual lunch of SAPAC is scheduled for October 20 at Mint Long Island, one of the best known South Asian Restaurants in Long Island. For further information, please contact Zahid Syed at or call him on 516-832-6151.

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