DALLAS (TIP): Subscribers of The Dallas Morning News are being targeted in a scam that asks readers to send hundreds of dollars to an out-of-state address to renew their subscription to the paper. The scam resembles those aimed at subscribers to other newspapers across the country. In the most recent local incident of a scheme that’s apparently been going on for several months, The News’ subscribers reported receiving a notice in the mail last weekend that asked for nearly $600 for a year’s worth of newspapers. The paperwork encouraged them to order or renew their subscription by paying online or sending payment to an Oregon P.O. box. The Dallas Morning News is aware of the scam and has taken action to stop it from succeeding, said the newspaper’s chief marketing officer, Jason Dyer, who oversees circulation. “At times, these things pop up and we deal with them,” he said. Dyer said the newspaper sent an email to subscribers several weeks ago warning them of the scheme and also posted social media alerts after the most recent incident. He said The News has alerted authorities in Texas and Oregon. Separately, the paper’s advertisers have received requests for credit card information from people posing as representatives of The News. The company sent letters to its advertisers about this last month. Last weekend’s subscription notices set off red flags for some readers who worried that other subscribers, particularly the elderly, might get confused and succumb to the fraudulent bill. “I knew it was a scam immediately,” said Patricia Biczynski of North Dallas. “Probably we were targeted because we are seniors … you know, just some vulnerable seniors who might just go ahead and pay.” Though the mail didn’t fool her, Biczynski warned other readers to look out for the nondescript envelope that asks for return payment to Readers Payment Services. The scam has been going on since at least August under several names, including Associated Publishers Network and Publishers Distribution Services. Vince Felchle, who said he has subscribed to the paper for more than two decades, said he also received the notice over the weekend. Alarm bells went off for Felchle because he has an auto-payment tied to his credit card and the envelope for return payment didn’t say anything about The News, he said. “I was tempted to cut out my name and send it back and say, ‘Nice try,'” he said. “But you don’t want to give these people anything to go on.” He advised others to stay “very alert” and pay attention if “it doesn’t feel right” to avoid falling victim to the scheme. Any authentic subscription renewal notices from this paper will ask that payments go to: The Dallas Morning News, P.O. Box 630054, Dallas, TX 75263-0054. When in doubt, call Customer Care at 1-800-925-1500 or email customercare@dallasnews.com.
(Source-Dallas News)
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