Chancellor Farina announced that 15 schools with existing Dual Language programs will become Model Dual Language Programs for the 2015-16 school year
Chancellor Farina announced that 15 schools with existing Dual Language programs will become Model Dual Language Programs for the 2015-16 school year

NEW YORK  (TIP): Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña announced that 15 schools with existing Dual Language programs will become Model Dual Language Programs for the 2015-16 school year. The schools will receive $10,000 for multilingual instructional materials and staff will have ongoing professional development. This initiative will foster collaborative practices among Dual Language educators, elevate the quality of programs across the City and provide support and guidance to school staff interested in opening programs.

Each school designated as a Model Dual Language Program will host visits from other school leaders and staff to share best practices and strengthen other schools’ existing or prospective Dual Language programs. The 15 Model Dual Language Programs include elementary, middle and high schools in all five boroughs – four in the Bronx, three in Brooklyn, three in Queens, four in Manhattan, and one on Staten Island. They include Chinese, French, Russian, Hebrew, and Spanish Dual Language programs.

“When principals and teachers share effective strategies, it’s the students who benefit,” saidSchools Chancellor Carmen Fariña. “Dual Language programs offer academic rigor for students and the opportunity to maintain their native language while learning a new one and learning about diverse cultures. These 15 schools are leaders in Dual Language education and, through collaborative practices, we can ensure a supportive, high-quality multilingual experience for even more students.”

The Division of English Language Learners and Student Support, a standalone office dedicated to supporting English Language Learners, selected the 15 Model Dual Language Programsbased on their Dual Language education and schoolwide commitment to it, as well as classroom rigor and strong family engagement practices.

“Our division is committed to expanding Dual Language programs in all five boroughs of New York City public schools,” said Milady Báez, Deputy Chancellor for the Division for English Language Learners and Student Support. “The first cohort selected will serve as models in creating uniformity across the City on the essential components of Dual Language programs. Next year, we will be selecting the second cohort of Model Dual Language Programs. This initiative allows leaders from premier Dual Language programs to share their successful practices and work collaboratively with educators.”

“As the world becomes more and more global, being able to speak a second language is an asset,” said Tirza Shreiber-Prieto, a parent at PS 166 in Queens. “Dual Language teachers are passionate and committed to the program and my children are receiving top-tier instruction and a multilingual foundation that will last them a lifetime.”

“Dual Language programs provide educators with innovative ways to strengthen school diversity and meet and expand horizons for both English Language Learners and English-proficient students,” said Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. “I’m pleased that MS 223 and PS 73 have been selected to host Model Dual Language Programs and look forward to continuing to work with Chancellor Fariña and the Department of Education as we work together to expand this promising new initiative.”

“The citywide Model Dual Language Program is one more step forward towards better education in The Bronx, and is an important part of the continued push to promoting cultural integration into our society as well as professional development,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “I want to congratulate the leadership of the four schools in The Bronx that were selected as part of the citywide Model Dual Language Program, the principals who helped make this happen, the parents, the students and the New York City Department of Education for their dedication to helping our youth reach their maximum potential.”

“In a global economy, and in a borough where 47 percent of households speak a language other than English at home, second languages are increasingly becoming a necessity rather than an amenity,” said Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams.
“Congratulations to the students and staff of Brooklyn’s PS 200, PS 133 and IS 228, as well as all of our schools listed today, for their recognition as being a Model Dual Language Program, and I thank Mayor de Blasio for recognizing these outstanding schools and for working toward a day when this recognition becomes the norm, rather than the exception, in all of our schools.”

“Robust incorporation of languages in the schools can literally open up new worlds of opportunity to our kids,” said Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer. “I strongly support further expansion of language education in our schools.”

“We are excited whenever a Staten Island school is recognized for the high caliber and commitment of their leadership, their level of parental involvement, and their student achievement,” said Staten Island Borough President James Oddo. “We are also excited when our schools receive additional funding to implement new programs that will help better educate their students. Congratulations to Principal Petrone and the PS 19 family.”

“This recognition of the High School for Dual Language and Asian Studies and PS 133 William A. Butler is a testament to how these schools are dedicated to ensuring all students’ educational needs are met,” said Congresswoman Nydia M. Velázquez. “I’m proud that both schools are in my district and commend them for their continued excellence.”

“As the representative of one of the most ethnically diverse districts in the country, I’m thrilled to see PS 16 and IS 145 selected as part of the City’s Model Dual Language Program,” said Congressman Joe Crowley. “I congratulate the principals, faculty, and parents at these schools for their role in a successful program that not only enriches our students’ education but sets them up for success. I also commend the NYC Department of Education for their commitment in the effort to strengthen these programs throughout the rest of our public schools.”

“New York City is one of the most culturally diverse places on the planet,” said Council Education Committee Chair Daniel Dromm. “It is important that we equip our students with the language skills they need in order to succeed in school and after graduation. I applaud Chancellor Fariña’s financial support of these exemplary duel language programs. These funds will help develop already existing models and will help establish new programs in other schools interested in opening one. I look forward to continuing to support this worthy initiative as chairperson of the Council’s Education Committee.”

“It is always great to hear that schools in the district are being distinguished for their work, leadership and innovative teaching,” said State Senator Jose Peralta. “In the 21st century, knowing just one language is not enough and that is why I am pleased that PS 16, The Nancy DeBenedittis School, is leading the way and making our kids bilingual, as well as IS 145, Joseph Pulitzer. Having the ability to fully speak another language is vital to compete in the marketplace, and that is why the Dual Language Programs are crucial for our students’ future. I want to congratulate both schools for their selection as citywide Model Dual Language Programs.”

“I want to congratulate IS 145 for this outstanding achievement,” said Assemblyman Michael G. DenDekker. “An effort put forth by parents, staff, and most importantly students is exemplified here and their excellence has been rewarded.”

“As our immigrant population grows, it is critical for our education system to keep pace with the reality of a growing ELL student population,” said Assemblyman Francisco Moya. “Dual Language programs are a critical part of engaging underserved student populations and making sure that all of our students are enriched by our education system. As the Assemblyman who represents the most diverse district in the country, I know how important Dual Language programs are for immigrants and first-generation Americans. I am proud to represent PS 16, The Nancy DeBenedittis School, and commend the principal, educators, parents, and students for setting the standard in high-quality Dual Language public education.”

“In a City as linguistically diverse as ours, the expansion of foreign language education must be a priority so that students can understand other cultures and compete in a global economy,” saidCity Council Member Margaret Chin. “I am delighted that the High School for Dual Language and Asian Studies in my district has been selected for this important program. I thank Chancellor Fariña for her dedication to dual language instruction and for her selection of this exemplary school as a model for others throughout our City.”

“New York City is arguably the most culturally diverse city in the United States. This diversity is reflected in the student body of our school system,” said City Council Member Vincent Gentile.

“The Model Dual Language Program enables ELLs and English-proficient students to become bilingual and bicultural. At an exemplary elementary school in my district, PS 200 The Benson School, students are learning how to read, write, and speak Russian in addition to English. The bilingual and bicultural skills that our students develop as a result of this program undoubtedly strengthen their understanding of different cultures and also plants the seed for future success in the ever-increasingly diverse and competitive professional world.”

“I am proud to congratulate Principal Sergio Caceres and the students, parents, educators, and staff of PS/IS 218 The Rafael Hernandez Dual Language Magnet School as they receive the Chancellor’s Model Dual Language Program award,” said City Council Member Vanessa Gibson. “Biliteracy is an increasingly important skill and I thank the schools being recognized today for their commitment to the highest caliber of Dual Language education and for ensuring their students develop an invaluable skillset that will serve them in their futures. I commend Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña and the Department of Education for prioritizing dual language education and am proud a District 16 school is being recognized for their leadership in this field. I thank the DOE for their commitment to creative and innovative educational methods and thank them for taking the time to recognize the excellence of the hard-working educators honored today.”

“I’m very happy to see Chancellor Fariña recognizing the truly excellent program at PS 133 in today’s celebration of the top Dual Language programs across NYC,” said City Council Member Brad Lander. “We have so many different strengths throughout our school system, and programs that allow our schools to learn from one another and further build out their top programs will help keep all our schools strong citywide. Congratulations to all 15 Model Dual Language Programs recognized today, and especially to the fantastic teachers, staff, parents and students of PS 133.

“In a City as diverse as New York, it is imperative that our educational system not only provide high-quality Dual Language instruction but that we also support the schools who are doing this work so well. From Washington Heights to Corona Queens, the citywide Model Dual Language Program will come a long way in providing the support schools need to expand upon the quality of their Dual Language programing,” said City Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez. “I congratulate the schools and principals selected for this new initiative and am especially proud of MS 319 Maria Teresa and Principal Ysidro Abreu in my district.”

“We are in one of the most diverse cities in the world, and our diversity is a social, political, and economic strength,” said City Council Member Mark Treyger. “There is no better place to cultivate and celebrate that diversity than in our public schools. The more we expose our children to multi-lingual diverse languages and cultures, the stronger our City and our future will become. This is a win-win for the children of New York City and for the social, political, and economic future of New York City. I thank the administration, the teachers, and the entire family at Boody Junior High School for their commitment to this wonderful program and the support they have received.”

List of Model Dual Language Program Schools

PS/IS 218 Rafael Hernandez Dual Language Magnet School -Spanish
PS 73 – Spanish
MS 223 the Laboratory School of Finance and Technology -Spanish
High School of World Cultures – Spanish


PS 200 Benson School – Spanish
PS 133 William A. Butler – Spanish and French
IS 228 David A. Boody – Russian, Chinese, Hebrew and Spanish


PS 161 Pedro Albizu Campos – Spanish
MS 319 Maria Teresa – Spanish
Manhattan Bridges High School – Spanish
High School for Dual Language and Asian Studies – Chinese


PS 16 The Nancy DeBenedittis School – Spanish
PS 166 Henry Gradstein – Spanish
IS 145 Joseph Pulitzer – Spanish

Staten Island

PS 19 The Curtis School – Spanish

About Carmen Fariña 15 Articles
Carmen Fariña is the New York City Schools Chancellor For More Info pls visit :

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