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Smriti Irani Inaugurates OFBJP National Convention

Urges Indian Diaspora to Take Active Part in Mission 2014: BJP 272+

TAMPA (TIP): Smt. Smriti Irani, BJP national Vice President, inaugurated the annual national convention of Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP) – USA on Friday September 20, 2013 at India Cultural Center (ICC) in Tampa, FL. Over 150 delegates including members of National Council and Executive Committee, and Advisory Council participated. The delegates representing OFBJP’s 22 chapters in USA had assembled to brain storm and evolve an effective strategy to achieve the goal of Mission 2014: a clear majority for the BJP in the next Parliamentary elections. Over 500 people attended the inaugural session on Friday evening. The theme of the convention was Mission 2014:BJP 272+. Smt. Irani highlighted the achievements of Gujarat government headed by its visionary Chief Minister, Shri Narendra Modi through sheer hard-work and good governance under trying circumstances. She said that Modi has brought the good governance on the electoral agenda through his growth oriented stellar performance.

She said that a person who used to sell tea in his early childhood at the railway platform and became chief minister, and now prime ministerial candidate of BJP tells some-thing of the personal discipline, hard work, dedication and commitment to serve India and hard work of Shri Narendra Bhai. She continued that only in BJP, an ordinary worker can aspire to attain such a high position unlike Congress party where legacy and lineage are the primary components of leadership positions. She said that people of India are looking forward to elect NDA government headed by Shri Narendrabhai Modi and usher in India’s all round development and good governance; and bringing her to the top echelons in the international arena. Earlier, while addressing the women and youth forum during a panel discussion along with Prodyut Bora, national executive member of the BJP,Mrs. Irani said that Modi has become a “youth magnet” of India towards whom the entire young generation is looking with great hopes to solve India’s complex problems. To a question related to violence against women in the context of women gang rape cases,Mrs. Irani listed 10 strong steps to provide safety and protection to the women in the country.

To another question related to BJP’s plan for women welfare and arresting child labor, she said that India is one of the countries that has the concept of Ardhanareeshwara, depicting equality between male and female. She personally fought for women’s bill of right to work in the Parliament and showcased amazing schemes implemented in Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. Good examples are “Ladli Lakshmi Yojana” – girl’s economic security; “Pravash Utsav and Kanya Yojana” – girls’ right to education; and “Kanya Dhan Yojana” – giving a start-up kit for newly married couples. She also described about a 1,700 crore rupees revenue generation scheme called “Mission Mangalam” – a selfhelp group, in which 2.25 lakh companies have helped 32 lakh women and gave them employment. To a question related to youth, panelist Shri Prodyut Bora said that 50% of India’s population is below 26 years of age and asked the youth to reach out to colleges and universities to motivate them to register to vote and then vote for BJP. He also stressed that both education and experience are equally important in politics and reminded the youth that working from grass roots helps shape the character and personality in the long run. To another question related to Bangladesh infiltration, Prodyut Bora said that it is indeed a sorry state of affairs and the Congress government is responsible for this plight as they indulge in vote bank politics. He said that there are strict orders to Border Security guards to let their guard down and the migrants are rewarded with ration cards and voter ID cards. In fact, Delhi high court declared that 10 lakh illegal immigrants from Bangladesh live in Delhi and they must return to their country. The situation in Mumbai, Bhubaneswar, and Bangalore is same as in Delhi. He said that it has nothing to do with the religion but it’s the sanctity and integrity of the nation that is at stake.

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