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‘Thank You, Hillary’, Says Gillibrand

NEW YORK (TIP): Even as HillaryClinton stepped down as Secretary ofState, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, aprotégé of Hillary Clinton, paid richtributes to her in a statement to TheIndian Panorama.Kirsten said, “Hillary Clinton has beena role model for me since she traveled toBeijing as first lady and announced that”human rights are women’s rights, andwomen’s rights are human rights.” In fact,it was that speech that inspired me to getoff the sidelines and pursue a career inpublic service.

“Ever since, Hillary has continued toinspire me and so many others, first assenator from New York, then as a historymakingpresidential candidate, and, mostrecently, representing the United Statesaround the world as our secretary of state.”As Hillary steps down from the Obamaadministration this week, I hope you’lljoin me in thanking her and letting herknow how much she’s meant to us.”I can’t tell you what an honor it hasbeen to follow in her footsteps as senatorfrom New York. She’s not only been a rolemodel, but also a mentor and friend. I willalways be grateful to her.”But I know I’m not alone. She’stouched so many of you as well with herstrength, dignity and grace as she’snavigated the highest positions of powerin our nation.

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