The Hindu Temple Society of North America, New York to celebrate the first International Day of Yoga, June 21

Hindu Temple Society of North America, New York to celebrate the first International Day of Yoga

NEW YORK (TIP): A press release from the Hindu Temple Society of North America, New York says that it will be celebrate “International Yoga Day on June 21st 2015 as declared by the Honorable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi.”

According to the information provided by the Society, Bowne Street between Holly Avenue and 45th Avenue in Flushing will be blocked with the permission of the local authorities for vehicle and traffic on June 21st. Blocked area will be used for education and publishing activities, primarily to get access to various Yoga related materials like books, clothes, etc. Tents will be installed within the temple complex. The tent area will be used for suryanamaskar /aasana presentation and practice, lectures, video presentation and various consultation activities. Temple has created a dedicated website for the International Yoga Day (, which has all the essential information.

Leading up to the event day, starting from May 24th –  One identified Yoga posture will be demonstrated every week. Participants will be encouraged with guided practice, explanation of technique, variations in the same posture, benefits and areas to watch. A similar education will be provided for an identified pranayama and meditation technique. The same information will be available at the website.

The program for the day -June 21- will start at 10:00 AM with special prayers, invocation by the temple priest, and blowing the conch. The event is planned to start and end with meditation. The program for the day features Yoga workshops to cater to individual & group needs, special lectures, group performances, demonstrations, pranayama (breathing exercise), meditation, Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar), Satvic
(wholesome) food, consultations with experts in the field of Ayurveda, Nutrition, Pulse Reading, Video and audio presentations. Guided performance of Sun salutations, along with Pranayama, is designed at every hour, starting 10 AM. Special lectures from eminent scholars include ‘Why Yogasana’ by Sharmila Desai, ‘Karma and Reincarnation’ by Professor Dr. Prasad and ‘Ayurveda and its influence on Yoga’ by Dr. Naina Marballi.

Tributes will be paid to the great Yogis like HH Swami Buaji, Sri BKS Iyengar, Sri Krishnamachari, Sri HH Swami Sivananda etc, the Yogis who truly believed and lived their lives through yogic practices.

Special events are designed for senior citizens, children and workaholics. A special feature of the event includes desk yoga – a technique that brings yoga to the desk for sedentary occupation (people who need to spend majority of their time at the desk as part of the job) and senior citizens. As part of this, nine techniques will be introduced that will focus on neck, shoulder, hands, wrists, palms, elbow movements and eyes. Health specialists in Nutrition, Ayurveda and Pulse Reading will be available during the event for
one-on-one consultation. Events will conclude by 5:00 PM.

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