THE INDIAN PANORAMA IMPACT – Homeland Security to Probe Immigration Fraud – SIJS

US Department of Homeland Security

The Indian Panorama is the first publication to report abuse of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status law. As early as Friday, September 5, 2014 we published an investigative story titled A Benevolent Law Abused ( m/SIJSREPORT_V8_I35_PG3.pdf) .

An updated story was published in February 13 edition (

Our investigating team had met with a couple of people from the community and ascertained facts relating to the extent and enormity of the fraud. We sought the legal opinion from a New York based reputed attorney Anand Ahuja on the provisions of the law, the practice and asked him if he saw commitment of fraud. His valuable advice was to go forward, investigate further and expose the fraudsters.

As a result of the investigative report of The Indian Panorama, Department of Homeland Security has begun a probe in the immigration fraud in “guardianship” cases (Special Immigrant Juvenile Status law). The powerful House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, a Virginia Republican plans to further investigate this fraud scheme and ensure ways to stop it.

The Indian Panorama is committed to being “ever truthful” and determined to expose corruption, fraud and threats to security of the country.

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