Trump Hotel Bookings Plummet 60% as Global Boycott Escalates

NEW YORK (TIP): Trump has run a campaign asking voters to have confidence in a potential presidency because of his business acumen. However, bookings at his line of hotels have declined dramatically since the blustery real estate heir launched his campaign for the presidency.

According to data from Hipmunk, Trump’s hotel bookings have dropped by an average of 59 percent compared to the last year, almost directly in line with when he entered the race and began attracting international attention for his racist and sexist remarks on the campaign trail. Meanwhile, other hotels saw a rise in sales compared to last year, showing this is not merely part of an industry-wide trend.

Trump’s luxury hotels, particularly in New York and Las Vegas, are seeing steep declines in reservations when comparing the first quarter of 2016 to the first quarter of 2015. Hipmunk’s data showed that in the first quarter of 2015, Trump hotels held 1.7 percent of all hotel bookings in the cities that house them. But in the first quarter of 2016, that number dropped to just 0.7 percent of all hotel bookings.

In June, when Trump began his campaign with a simultaneous slight denigrating virtually all Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, Latino groups called for a boycott of all of Trump’s businesses, which continues today. While Trump boasts about the notoriety of his brand, many have come to view his brand as synonymous with racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and hatred.

As the billionaire continues his march as the Republican presidential nominee toward the November general election, his businesses may continue their sharp decline.

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