Your perfume speaks before you do, however, just picking out any bottle from the stack is not the final step. Dress etiquette has been extensively written about, yet all perfume etiquette gets is a summary: Don’t put too much. There is undoubtedly more to fragrance etiquette than just recommending its moderate use. Let’s look at a few of the most overlooked perfume-wearing advice to avoid getting a bad rap.
Here are some tips and trick to up your fragrance game and maintain a classy perfume etiquette:
Choose the proper fragrance
It would help to choose the appropriate scent to use even before keeping track of the spritzes. Before purchasing, perform a patch test of the scent on your body to see how it aligns with your body chemistry, specifically your natural scent. What works well for your friend or favourite influencer might not be effective for you. Find your unique scent.
Think about the situation
When and where will you wear the fragrance? The venue’s and the event’s fragrances should match. On a night out, a strong, seductive scent could be perfect, but it will not be suited for your workplace. Choose milder fragrances during the day. When visiting a hospital, attending a baby shower, or attending an interview for your desired job, be discreet or don’t dab. In public settings, too, wear mild fragrances. Remember, perfume is supposed to discovered, not announced.
Say it, don’t spray it?
Spritz your perfume in a private location, such as your home, car, or the restroom. Always step away and spray if you need to touch up your perfume in public. Never spray your perfume in the public transport or a restaurant. Not everyone wants to smell like you, even if your perfume is good.
Avoid wearing expired perfume
After six to twelve months, the makeup of even the highest-quality scents changes. Exquisite notes that have already been opened tend to become harsh or sour with time. Remember to finish bottles on time. If it’s expired, it’s time to buy a new one.
Avoid using it to cover up other odor
Perfume is not a magic wand. It cannot clear a strong scent such as that of cigarette smoke or alcohol, even if it may temporarily mask it for some time. Even then, the extra spritz of perfume are a giveaway. It’s better to let the other odour settle down, or use soap and water to the extent possible, before spraying on perfume.
Apply from a distance
The ideal distance to spray eau de toilette is six inches. Don’t concentrate the spray in one spot. Apply on the pulse points (where you feel the heartbeat), such as the underside of your neck, your wrist, behind your ear, or above your elbow. Apply it to the chest or arms underneath your garments if you’re a male who prefers a mild aroma all day.
Stick to your body
Whatever they advise, don’t pour perfume on your clothes. Clothes can be ruined and stained by perfumes. Instead of your fabric conditioner, perfumes are made to respond to the chemistry of your skin. Do not apply perfume to your hair.
Stay within your fragrance circle
The golden rule of perfumes, “don’t put too much,” parallels this. An arm’s length away from your body, a smell circle can be filled with two spritzes on average. It’s better to not leave behind a fragrance trail.
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