Nothing signals the end of the carefree days of youth than the appearance of the early signs of ageing. The first fine lines and the first grey hair all serve to remind us that the glory days of our easy-going beauty routines are over. After a certain age, you just cannot afford to go out without sunscreen or be careless with your health without the effects showing up on your face and body. Eating healthy, exercising, eliminating stress, sleeping well and, of course, genetics, will all determine how fast you will show your age. But there are certain time-tested natural therapies that will help you care for your skin and hair and, maintain a basic level of health and vitality.We got some of India’s top beauty experts to share their formulae with us.
Back to the basics
One way in which you can increase the potency of these remedies is by supplementing them with a clean lifestyle. According to Suparna Trikha, director, Suparna Herbs, a company that manufactures natural skin and hair products, “Ageing is a state of mind. You can be young at 90 or look haggard at 19. Lifestyles and our changing temperaments and tempers are responsible for early ageing.” The beauty guru advocates some simple changes that will make all the difference.
STOP WORRYING: “I see people worry all the time! Stop it because it will only give you more wrinkles and lines. If you have a problem without a solution, sleep over it.”
DESTRESS: “Most people spend a majority of their time doing things they don’t want to. To stay young, you should make the time to do something you enjoy at least four times a week. Play, follow a dream, listen to music, meditate, read a book or exercise.” Avoid luxury: “Too much luxury can be stifling. For instance, avoid air-conditioning as it completely ruins the skin. Breathe fresh air and let your skin hydrate naturally.”
STAY TRUE TO NATURE: “Walk outdoors, eat lunch under the open sky whenever you can, and meditate and exercise in the fresh air. Just being with nature calms the mind and eases tension.”
EAT FRESH: “Have healthy eating options for every meal and add plenty of fresh fruits, salads, dry fruits, greens and lean meats to your diet.”
LAUGH: “We don’t laugh often and enough! Try to spend time with people who make you happy.”
DRINK UP: “I call water ambrosia for the skin. No matter what your skin type is, water will keep you hydrated and younger-looking. It helps flush out toxins from the body and cleanses the skin like nothing else.”
Boost your reserves
According to Bharti Taneja, founder-director of the Alps Beauty Group, as one gets older, the skin naturally becomes less elastic and more fragile. Decreased production of natural oils dries the skin and makes it appear more wrinkled. Fat in the deeper layers of the skin diminishes and this causes loose, saggy skin and more pronounced lines and crevices. She advocates a good skincare regimen to look young.
CLEANSING: “First thing in the morning, wash your face with a deep-pore, soap-free and non-foaming cleanser, as the foaming ones tend to leave the skin drier. Take a little on your palm and massage your face for two to three minutes.Wash off with cool water and pat dry with a clean towel.”
TONING: “A toner is a liquid meant to close open pores while cleansing. Toning firms up the skin and should follow every cleansing ritual. You can also try making a homemade toner by boiling tulsi, neem and mint leaves together in a litre of water till half of it evaporates. Store and apply whenever needed.”
Source: Femina
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