If You Don’t Want To See Your Older Self at an Early Age.
Lotion Up
Daily moisturizing is the best defense against dry skin. Invest in a heavy moisturizer to keep in your bag, car, and office.
Love The Greens
For a radiant and blemish-free complexion, add a side salad to your lunch or dinner.
We recommend honey for taking care of dry, cracked lips. It helps to heal wounds and hydrate parched skin, plus the anti-viral properties make it a good cold sore remedy, too.
Skin revival
Apply a retinol based cream at night to repair damaged tissue while you slumber.
A Little Omega
A Mediterranean diet full of fish, fruit, vegetables, olive oil, and tea provides the skin with the good omega fatty acids, in order to maintain a healthy glow and reverse sun damage.
Skin irritants
We know you don’t apply hair products to your face, but the residue can end up there anyway. Next time you apply hairspray, cover your face with a clean towel to protect your skin.
Get Your Zzzzz’s
Not getting enough Zzz’s can cause stress, which leads to breakouts and a dull complexion. Bottom line: Don’t deprive your body and skin of sleep.
Care For Fine Eyes
Squinting in the sun can contribute to those crow’s feet, so always sport sunglasses with UV protection.
Skin Pampering
Whether it’s a facial, massage, or even a pedicure, be sure to pamper yourself. Try our medifacials. Its divine and you’ll love it.
Endorphin rush
Endorphins are happy hormones. Need yet another reason to work out? Exercise gives your face a healthy glow by increasing blood flow. Without regular exercise you may see an increase in age spots, so grab your running shoes or hit the gym.
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