Your emotions play a significant role in your relationship, in fact far more than you think. Your feelings not only intervene in the act, they can also determine your attitude towards it. A disturbance in one area impacts the other areas of life too. One such area is the sexual drive. An innate dissatisfaction in a relationship can negatively impact one’s sex drive, according to experts.
If you find yourself losing interest in this passionate play, you could be facing an emotional crunch. Read on to understand the possible reasons behind it and act on them to have a healthy relationship with your partner:
Regular fights and continuous blame game increases frustration, which might lead to one of you stopping to bother about the other. Come out of this situation by having better communication with each other. Ease the tension by making an attempt to understand, which will bring you both closer.
Conscious about your appearance
This is not just a woman’s thing, men can be equally conscious about their looks. Feelings of being too fat or too thin or not so good-looking can affect one’s personality, with confidence levels dropping low not only in the outside world, but also in matters between the sheets. “When people have a sense of inadequacy and are unsure about whether their body is likeable or not, they minimise interaction with their partner, thus adversely affecting their sexual desire, says a marriage counsellor.
“Be confident of your body image, talk to your partner about it and trust their opinion. Also, discuss it with someone whom you can open up with. You may find that reality is different and your fears are unfounded. At least once or twice a week, give yourself a massage, while continuously admiring your body and thus, falling in love with yourself first. Take a long, unhurried luxurious bath and say aloud positive affirmative sentences like ‘I am good’, ‘I have a good body’, ‘I have a lovable and beautiful body’, ‘I want to enjoy my life like everyone else’. This will instill confidence in appreciating your body as it is, according to an expert.
Depression, if not treated, can take a toll on your relationship. Depression leads to a state of gloom and unhappiness, affecting your mind and body. If you are surrounded by unhappiness, the sadness spreads to your bedroom and can affect you in many ways. Treating depression is the only solution and not to forget that sex can be a great mood elevator.
Routine stress
Since we live in stressful times, with pressure from all quarters — personal, office, finances, commuting, you have to learn to work around things. Or else it can destroy your sex life. Find out ways to reduce stress by making some time for yourself every day. Indulge in activities that you love to do and take regular small breaks to spend time with people whose company you enjoy.
Intimacy is key
You need to share an intimate bond with your partner even if you don’t want to indulge in sex. Pampering each other for no particular reason helps you feel closer. Spending cosy moments together leads to an increase in sex drive and is directly related to happy times in bed.
Dominating partner
When one partner is more dominating in the relationship, it can affect the sex. Problems arise when one partner while assuming a dominant role, decides the course of their sexual life without giving much thought to the other’s needs. Dominance in a sexual relationship can be detrimental for the submissive partner to the extent that it affects their self esteem. The act of intercourse will always be a chore rather than a pleasurable act for the partner who is being dominated.
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